Separate battle orders for different party slots

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I've been meaning to suggest this for a while, but one thing I find quite limiting is you can only issue orders to your entire party, ie Hold, Folllow or Charge etc.

I'd like to be able to issue separate orders for each slot in my party. For example, my ranged troops like crossbows and sharpshooters I'd like to put on Hold while I issued an instruction to my Knights to Follow.

That way you could do more interesting stuff like make flanking maneouvres with your knights while the enemy approached your footmen. Or you could set up ambushes by putting some of your troops in an obvious position and hiding some others behind hills on the flanks, that sort of thing.

Also you'd be able to position your troops better. For instance you could issue a Follow order to your bowmen only, to get them to follow you onto the downslope of a hill, where they'd all have a good view of the enemy. Then you could keep your knights back behind the hill, out of harm's way but waiting to mount a lethal charge when the enemy gets too close...
Dread's post
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