Senile old Constable...

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A quick bug I found: I have just completed the River Pirates quest and spoken to the Constable. He told me that I did a good job and the rest of the pirates wouldn't pose a threat and so because of this, I wouldn't be getting any more reward money. I then asked him "Sir, does that mean I won't be getting any more reward money?" to which he replied something along the lines of "Actually, our accountant found that paying the reward costed more than pirate attacks and so there wouldn't be anymore reward money".

So yeah, kinda weird.
Okay, I'm really sorry for my spelling mistakes, I wrote this at 2 am. Here is the extract from the conversation.txt file, and it's in chronological order:

You_certainly_deserved_your_pay._Thanks_to_hunters_like_you_most_of_the_river_pirates_have_been_dealt_with._The_few_remaining_do_not_pose_a_threat_any_longer._So,_no_more_rewards_for_those_filthy_river_pirates..._Nothing_is_stopping_you_from_taking_your_own_reward_from_their_packs_and_hideouts,_though_ 25 4 10060 300 0 10064 100 0 10281 12 0 20029 33554720 1
65629 25 0

Thank_you_sir._But_does_that_mean_you_won't_be_paying_any_more_rewards? 26 0
93 26 0
You_got_that_right._The_truth_is,_the_count's_accountant_has_found_out_that_rewards_cost_him_more_than_the_pirates_do._So,_no_more_rewards_for_those_filthy_pirates._Nothing_is_stopping_you_from_taking_your_own_reward_from_their_packs_and_hideouts,_though. 6 0

You see now?
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