Secret messages in songs

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Master Knight
Visit this site and find out for yourself. :smile: Some of the songs are far fetched, but others are quite intresting. Certainly the Empty Spaces one. :smile:
I think there are no secret messages in a high majority of pop music (I would believe none in Turkish pop music). As the name suggests, they usually are interested in popularity rather than giving a message. - I am not saying all of them though -
Well yes, not "secret messages", but it's simply, you know, intresting when you reverse the track. :smile:

Ah the truth is the man who made that site has just put words that resemble the noises you hear so in your brain whilst your looking at the lyrics it makes sense that you would think its true.

Yes, that's why I put the words far fetched in my original post. :smile:
Ah the truth is the man who made that site has just put words that resemble the noises you hear so in your brain whilst your looking at the lyrics it makes sense that you would think its true but its just a play on your mind.
Ah that thing...I would suggest you go buy the track and play it reversed your-self. I rarely trust anything that I find in the internet. There are some really ridiculous stuff out there.
Sina said:
Ah that thing...I would suggest you go buy the track and play it reversed your-self. I rarely trust anything that I find in the internet. There are some really ridiculous stuff out there.

I reversed My Name Is, and it is correct. :smile: I don't own any of the other songs though.
I think Empty Spaces and the Weird Al song are the only intentional ones in there.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Aphex Twin (unless somebody did mention it after the 2 or 3 replies I read) who scanned images of his face to digitally generate some of his music, and as a result his face can be seen by playing certain tracks through special audio software.

Link here:,1284,52426,00.html
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