I can't say that this mentality makes a lick of sense. It shows a complete misunderstanding of a) the design of a game so easily mod-able; b) the likelihood that devs will be adding any major features to the game at this stage; c) the source of most feature additions/changes at this point and in the future (the modding community).
If all you play in Warband is Native, you're missing out in a huge way. The devs designed the game "modularly" for a reason; they gave the full code to make modules out for a reason. Taleworlds has provided a fantastic base for other creative people to work with and they have supported and patched that base well. I'm not saying that it is entirely worthless to point some of these suggestions toward the Devs, but when the Devs have already built in features that modders can turn into reality/have already turned into reality, it seems silly to say "no I don't care that I can have my suggestion now, I want others to spoon-feed it to me later."
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