SP - UI Scrolling through the Wanderers

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In the UI if I want to look through the Wanderers (or any other list of NPCs) I have to go to the Heroes tab, then pick a hero, then go back to the heroes tab and pick a hero, then go back to the heroes tab, and so forth. In other words:

Heroes tab
Wanderer 1
Heroes tab
Wanderer 2
Heroes tab
Wanderer 3...

Why can't we just scroll through the wanderers (or any other list of NPCs)? In other words:

Heroes tab
Wanderer 1
Wanderer 2
Wanderer 3...

There are a ton of places where needless extra clicks are required, and after a while it kind of drains away some of the fun, especially with the constant menu lag that I've been seeing since 1.5.9.
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