hello guys! nikeBG told me to help you out with serbian troops
first of all, i can say that troops that nike posted for bulgarians can fit serbians too, it's typical byzantine type of dressing, although i have to put some commentaries on serbian cultural influences, so as troop influences.
as for period (1257) it's the most boring in serbian history. reign of stephen urosh I nemanjic was the longest and most idle. he was a bit forgotten in serbian history cause he was not "man of war". although recorded he had the largest army in serbian medieval history (decades of preparing army for campaign against byz empire), he was scared to do any campaign against byzantine empire, but he's reign made structure of future serbia, and his son's, milutin.
Cultural influences
serbia was in cultural influence of byzantine empire, but also western europe. what describes serbia in middle ages is this sentence: "The Serbian army was feudal in nature, though its system of military landholding was inherited from the Byzantine pronoia rather than the Western European fief. "
serbians were on border of two dominant culture. being orthodox, and interest pointed toward byz empire made their basic cultural influence by byz empire. many court titles were taken from byz empire, so as dressing of kings. but having ragusa as trade city of venice, and being in allied relationship with normans, so as hostility toward hungary, they also took western cultural influence. here's the map i made, blue is western culture and red is byz culture influence, they both appear in medieval serbia, although byz culture was more dominant.
for following development of serbia and serbian army, our best example are monasteries and churches. i will quote description of djurdjevi stupovi monastery:
". The architecture of the Saint George Pillars Monastery is very characteristic representing unique synthesis of two medieval construction concepts, Byzantine in the East and Roman in the West"
"The combination of Byzantine spatial arrangement and Roman architecture resulted in original symbiosis that has been the ground for special architectural style"
so, following architecture of sebia, we can see clash of both influences, making serbian architecture unique and distinguished from other's, in those periods called Rascian style of architecture (
this can be seen through monasteries like zica, basic structure is byzantine:
but the details of zica monastery are done in western romanesque
same goes for monastery studenica
basic structure byzantine style
and details on studenica, which resembles western romanesque
why is this important? cause it can tell us a lot about cultural influence in other thing like army of serbia, which will i put pics of.
Army of Serbia in mid 13th century
here are some drawings of monastery paintings with commentaries that will help you for sure
to be continued...