Screenshots Thread for Prophesy of Pendor V 2.0

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Adelius Draken modeling some new armor and showing the world why people like me shouldn't be allowed to post screenshots  :mrgreen:


More to come later I'm sure (Hopefully less silly than this one).
I wish M&B could differentiate gender. Like, in the last few Elder Scrolls game, it knew your character's gender and would give you a male or female version of the same armor suit.
Ya should, since you prolly created them :razz: I´ve had the fun of a Testchap running around with the Lady Valkyre´s armor once. Boobs and Hips included, hehe.
What it is though, I mean, is that most of the Native armors have a sort of two-frame animation cycle, one really bulky it uses for men and only slightly less bulky for women.

Anyone reading this: How many of you field a female character, and would like more shapely armor?
Anubis said:
That would be cool. and more realistic.

I'm having a hard time finding examples of realistic/historical armor that's identifiably feminine, and I've made a point not to go the chainmail bikini route.

I've got an eye on replacing that awful baggy robe Snake Cult Priestesses wear, with something more menacing. I doubt anyone's attached to it. Trouble is, it shows up on some male troops too doesn't it?
No no...I'm just gonna keep going...yeah...still rooting for you mates!


Archers are easily the most destructive force I have. First step is to set them up...


...then unleash hell.


And never forget the importance of proper accessories for your horse.

Alan Q Smithee said:
What it is though, I mean, is that most of the Native armors have a sort of two-frame animation cycle, one really bulky it uses for men and only slightly less bulky for women.

Anyone reading this: How many of you field a female character, and would like more shapely armor?


Played a male in 1.21.  Playing a female in 2.0.  Armor that doesn't look like a sack of potatoes = win.


I know there isn't alot of historical precedent for it.  But imagine this.  You're a woman of means.  You have cash.  You want an armor fitted to your body by a fine armor smith.  What do you get?  Balder's armor. (or yours, on his mesh.)

So basically I would go with the same thing.  This isn't a purely historical exercise.  Imagine a woman's form, then imagine armor that would both protect and be comfortable to wear.  (Yeah, easy to say, I know.. :grin: )

kaeldragor said:
*angry looking dude*

Mist does cool things to the interiors sometimes.

Looks like someone stole or knocked over his drink...

"I'm here to kick ass and drink mead. And you just spilled my mead!"
Most perfect hit I've ever done with a one-handed weapon, and I just so happen to kill a Demonic Warrior in one hit. Probably in my Top 10 feel-good moments of playing m&b  :smile: Not a spectacular screenshot, wish I could've caught the moment, but at least I've got the proof to back it up haha.


Done at lvl 17 with 15 str, 264 weapon proficiency, using Masterwork D'shar Sabre mounted ofc.

Ptyh, shortly thereafter I was only able to watch from ground view as my forces where slowly overwhelmed forcing a 'temporary tactical retreat'


For round two, however, I decide to team up with a certain elvish lord (dragging the damn Heretic army half way across the map to do so)

This was ofc an I-win button.

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