School, or training facility

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It is as simple as the word said.

I think there should be a place where you can up grade your skill / proficiency by paying money. In short, school. School teaches few skills,or phisical/ mental skills/proficiency only. Say, medical unversity in Sargoth teaches First Aid, Surgery and Wound Treatment. Whereas Mercantile school in Zendar teaches you Inventry Management and Trade. Of course there should be a slavery training center in Zendar where you can learn Prinsoner Management. So there's horseriding school, Combat training school etc.

1. School teaches only one skill / proficiency at one time. And it takes time, like 30days for one skill. You had to pay your men during that time.

2. You have to satisfy the Stat requirment to upgrade. You can't upgrade Surgery skill to 4 if your Intelligence is 6.

3. School cannot upgrade your skills more than 4. Proficiency is 150.

4. School is Expencive. Or even, you have to do them a favour (Quest) to access to the facility (then you have to pay a lot).
Good suggestion. But I don't agree with (3). Why putting such a limit?. If you increase the price with increasing skill level (very very expensive if you want to train to 7th level horse archery for example), then there is no problem.
With the new skill cap at 10 I really need all those points in my combat skills to become a killing machine and that leaves alot ot be desired on the other skills, which forces me to use Marnid and Borcha for those, which makes Marnid and Borcha wimps that always die because they are back-up skills assistants and not proper warriors. I like your ideas and if it takes so long and it's so expensive to learn these skills maybe the limit is unecessary, it's only a matter of tweaking the levels time and price.
I think it is a good idea but I wouldn't like it to end up like training in Morrowind. That was a little stupid, as all you did was pay somebody and then your skills just raised. To make it realistic if you pay for schooling in, for example, swordmanship, you should actually have to go through some classes where your skill improvement is some 4 times what it is in the field or something like that.
I think it should be less than actual comba, so that it's more an option than a routine.
Talon68 said:
I think it is a good idea but I wouldn't like it to end up like training in Morrowind. That was a little stupid, as all you did was pay somebody and then your skills just raised. To make it realistic if you pay for schooling in, for example, swordmanship, you should actually have to go through some classes where your skill improvement is some 4 times what it is in the field or something like that.

Rather, just have to fight a series of interesting fights and get rewarded at the end. Fighting enemies up a spiral stircase for example, or on a very high block, with only a small amount fo room, and you musn't fall of or you die.
Well, fighting like the first training session would do? But when it's about another non-combat skills, things would be different. It's true I don't want to see 'blacken-out-then-30days-passed' thing but I can't think of alternative.

For caps, I put it because I don't want to see players abuse it like in Morrowind. Though, I myself wrote that you need to satisfy stat requirement so it would work as break.

Then, I came up another idea. May be each school has different caps for the skill/proficiency it teaches (And one school doesn't teach everything).

Private school (run by individual, or small group) can teach you basic (up to 3 or 4). Top of all school is the ones in Capital which teaches maximum.

Each faction (Vaegir, Swadian etc.) has different strength. For example, Swadian can teach you Power Strike to 10, but Vaegir can do up to 7. This is also related to

Faction/Rank restriction. Swadian schools (under the patronage of Swardian lords and king) are only available for those who joined swadians, visa versa. And good schools are very snobby (like in medieval time) 'This Achademy is only available for nobles. Come back when you're knightened'.
Personally I think the entire leveling, skill points, and attributes system should be scrapped, that type of upgrade system is going to be increasingly ignored in favour of dynamic action-based upgrades.

My personal favourite is something like Roma Victor is implementing, where you have a base character, with some options for low lvl starting attributes and skills (none of this former thisorthat, you build it from the ground up), and after that you increase both attributes & skills via training and/or the appropriate action, no character levels, no character classes, except on an informal basis, and no restrictions on how far you can go with something, essentially making all attributes & skills similar to weapon proficiencies, in that they raise through the appropriate action, with the leveling up ability to upgrade them removed in favour of training them at an academy if you so choose.

This would incidentally allow for far more skills than we currently have, including crafting skills (don't even try to say you wouldn't like to craft your own black armour or repair damaged suits...), training would be somewhat different in that the skills or attribute you were training in would rise faster than in everyday use, as realistically your going to become proficient in something a good bit quicker when you have a master of that art instructing you rather than trial & error out in the boonies.

I also like the gradual decrease of a skill not in use in RV, but some people will obviously not be happy with that idea, so a compromise could be made where you could use a training facility for a reduced price, say half or less of what you originally paid, to dust off your skills, and they would rise considerably faster as you would mostly be refreshing your memory of a skill you already know.

The training could be handled by proxy, as in you walk in, negotiate the length & price of your training session (basically there would be a menu detailing the levels of proficiency, and the cost & time would be based on the level you decided to go for), and then the AI would take over the actual training, as this is a game...most people don't want to go back to work or school when they boot up a game...the passing of time could be fast-forwarded similar to the inn, and by necessity the length of time it would take to do something in RL would need to be reduced by something like 1/2 or more, but it could still take you out of the game for weeks or even months when training for high proficiencies.

As for the action-based upgrades, all non-fighting attributes or skills would be handled by proxy as with training, some could only be raised through conscious participation, others, like most of the physical stuff, would raise through everyday use (albeit slowly), so if you rode would gradually increase in riding ability, if you walked get the idea.

However it is my opinion that any skills that you don't start with should have to trained to a certain level before they will rise through actions or appear at all...just more realistic, you need some formal training in a subject before your competent to practice it on your own, after that you can leave and do it yourself, or remain in training to become a true master.

Yes yes..."but dude, you don't need training to trade etc", well...yes, you do, if you want to do it well, for that matter anyone can pick up a sword/ride a horse/care for a minor wound...but that doesn't mean that they do it well, or even correctly, you need at least some basic training in an activity, from someone who is at least decent at it, to do almost anything halfway competently.

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