Savegames not working after installing 704

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I got the "RGL Error" "Unable to open file" after upgrading to 704..

I moved the savegames to another directory, uninstalled the game, deleted the folder and installed all over again.

Now I'm rid of the bug, but the savegames don't work. Even though I put them in the correct folder the game just doesn't have any save games when I hit restore..

Any ideas?
From which version did you update? Was it .703 or older? If it was older the save games will not work in any case. If you patched from .703 then I have no idea.
Ouch, they're not compatible? that really blows :\ I never knew.

Anywhere you can download older versions? Don't really feel like rerolling the characters for each client update, hehe.

Thanks for the info!
is there any way to find out which version the savegames are from? can't remember which client version they were made in
I'm not sure if there is an easy way to check the version of save games, sorry.

Although a simple suggestion to help you might be the in-game cheats. You can use these cheats to get a new character to a comparable level.

I know it isn't the answer you were looking for, but I hope that it helps. :oops:

hmm unless the mechanics have been changed it seems some of the agility bound skills are bugged. even tho i upped athletics alot my character walks slowly, also it seems as if agility hasn't really affected my weaponspeed at all.
Agilty does have an effect on your movement speed. The effect is less than what it was in previous versions (I'm pretty sure of this anyways :wink:), but the limit has been increased also.

The weapon speed effect is pretty slight, if I remember correctly. Isn't it like 0.5% increase per agility point? It takes a considerable amount of agility to really notice a difference.

I just upgraded from .632 to .704 and got the RGL error "cannot load" From the posts I've read, it seems that even if I uninstall the game and reinstall it I will not be able to run my saved game. Is this correct? If so, are there some incremental posts around from .632 to .704? I think my character is level 24 or 25 and I don't want to lose it.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.
Hi Alzbeta,

Regardless of how you get to version 0.704 ... your 0.632 save games will not be compatable.

The best way to avoid the RGL error is to download the 0.704 full install. You can get it from my signature.

The best advice I can give you about your character is to use the in-game cheats to try and re-create your character.

Unfortunately at this stage in the game, few updates will be compatable with other versions as Armagan is still making major changes to the core elements of the game.

Hope I was helpful,

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