SP Musket Era Oriental Samarai 1877 (working title)(in real need of modders/modelers)

what should the mod name be

  • 1877: new age

    Votes: 11 10.8%
  • 1877: a warriors end

    Votes: 22 21.6%
  • imperial dynasty

    Votes: 18 17.6%
  • a feudal revolution

    Votes: 5 4.9%
  • something else (please post the name you would like to see

    Votes: 10 9.8%
  • 1877: the end of the samurai

    Votes: 36 35.3%

  • Total voters

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                                                                                    THE SATSUMA REBELION

                        this is a mod made by me liamr with the help of the pyMe which was made by by fujiwara

                  THE IDEA:

                                                                        this is about the satsuma rebellion in japan in 1877, this is very similar to on in no ran however is set 400 years later, this mod is basically a little bit about the film "the last samurai" flintlocks and muskets have not been around too long (unless people really enjoy this mod and i get some help this will only be a mini mod if you want this to continue after the beta then post good comments or offer to help with the full version

                THE STORY:

                                  The year is 1877, japan, you choose your background , you get lost in japan in the middle of nowhere, a samurai clan takes you in, you are given basic equipment and sent on your way to Tokyo, then it is up to you, will you join one of the samurai clans, the Japanese army (you are a political samurai) or will you join the Americans who have come with their guns as well as swords (your army will still be equipped with pistols whichever faction you choose


              These will not be implemented at the same time but when i make the checklist you willsee what features are at that moment in time

              +become a samurai, part of the imperial army or a U.S officer
              +kingdom management (could be a wait, this is a long way down my list
              +new factions and new map
              +mostly historical accurate
              +historical: samurai, towns etc.
              + more coming soon

              PROGRESS REPORT:

to be done soon:

+add firearms
+give all new weapons to merchant
+more research (if you have any good websites about the satsuma rebellion then a link would be most appreciated

could be done soon:



+ character start dialogs
+faction names

+faction names

P.S. i do realise i have as of yet lacked very much in research but even though i have made many errors so far i would appreciate andy praise or support on this idea as well as pointing out the errors    cheers.


project leader: liamr

concept art: kadashi
the last samurai was in the 1870's  :neutral:

how did you even contact fujiwara he's been gone for ages.

EDIT: to be honest I was planning this after heaven and earth  :sad:

oh and samurai is spelt wrong.
I am also confused about the year.  The Americans did not open Japan until the 1850s.  Japan was closed to all outsiders for more than two centuries prior, with the small exception of the Dutch who were allowed to trade through Nagasaki.
at first i was thinking of making it feel like the last samurai but now you mention that the war started in the 1850's i will change it, thank you for pointing that out

and i did not mean that i talked to furjiwara, i downloaded his public mod tool on the file resporitory

(im sorry for any early historical facts that are wrong, i have not done a lot of research as of yet, pleae bear in mind this is my 1st mod)

thanks again guys
liamr said:
at first i was thinking of making it feel like the last samurai but now you mention that the war started in the 1850's i will change it, thank you for pointing that out

and i did not mean that i talked to furjiwara, i downloaded his public mod tool on the file resporitory

(im sorry for any early historical facts that are wrong, i have not done a lot of research as of yet, pleae bear in mind this is my 1st mod)

thanks again guys

It hardly started in 1850. Japan was just opened to outsiders at that date. It was only when Japan started modernizing it's armies and lifestyle that the Samurai were abolished.
well Im still gonna do my Last Samurai mod, but mines gonna be based on the film.
although Id like to see a historical one get done aswell.
Satsuma rebellion... thats cool.

Going to be hard to balance it though, the samurai's got their asses handed to them after a few initial successes. But a one sided conflict on a sandbox video game would be boring.

I suppose you'd have to beef up the samurai's and lengthen reload times for muskets.
Perhaps its not the real deal samurai's but instead a bunch of samurai's all called Samarai in which case the title fits.
thanks for the comments and poll results so far and also if you say "worst idea thought of" or "bad" please say why and if you say "this idea has potential" please say what i could add to the idea.

also i am recruiting any modders of every position because i will need the support to release the beta sooner , also because i do not usually do most things alone i like being a team, as a team i can work better

and cheers to butscrew for poniting out to me that i will need to balance the samurai and the army, im going to do all i can do to balance them, i will maybe change the stats of the weapons and armour, i have no word on the guy that i asked for a map so if any of you can map that position is open as well

keep the votes and posts coming and refer to friends if you like the idea

the last samurai was one of my all time favorite movies :grin: this is something I'll have to keep checking up on.

and the movie is based around the satsuma rebellion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satsuma_Rebellion

and they didn't really use the flintlock musket, flintlocks were abandoned after the civil war in modernized countries. the percussion cap replaced the flintlock firing mechanism, although by 1877 muskets themselves were pretty much obsolete xD but then again they do show the army using percussion style muskets at the beginning of the movie... but later on they're using the mauser model 1871 rifle or something similar to it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauser_Model_1871

and for pistols I suggest modding in revolvers rather then flintlock pistols.
just a suggestion :roll:
good luck on this mod! it should turn out quite well, I'd offer to help you but I'm just barely learning the basics of M&B modding.
PrayForPlagues said:
the last samurai was one of my all time favorite movies :grin: this is something I'll have to keep checking up on.

and the movie is based around the satsuma rebellion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satsuma_Rebellion

and they didn't really use the flintlock musket, flintlocks were abandoned after the civil war in modernized countries. the percussion cap replaced the flintlock firing mechanism, although by 1877 muskets themselves were pretty much obsolete xD but then again they do show the army using percussion style muskets at the beginning of the movie... but later on they're using the mauser model 1871 rifle. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauser_Model_1871

and for pistols I suggest modding in revolvers rather then flintlock pistols.
just a suggestion :roll:
good luck on this mod! it should turn out quite well, I'd offer to help you but I'm just barely learning the basics of M&B modding.

thank you for telling me, i am still doing my research, i have not watched the last samurai for a while, i will try to put a revolver and the mauser in but at my current level of modding i may not be able to do it but if anyone would like to help me make the models then i will gladly put it in, and if you feel like helping i can send you to some of the site to some modding tools if you were not joking about wanting to help

thank you for showing your interest
I like the idea,big fan of  the samurai and the Japanese culture.
All I can do is try some concept art,so if you think you might need some let me know.

Good luck with this mod,it has potential.
ok well i am in need of some people who can mod, i need someone to point me the way because this is my 1st mod and i cannot do much as of yet, just try and mod using a program called pyMe

even if you are not a mod expert or are good at something relevent to the mod please do not hesitate to message me or post a reply in the forum showing your interest.

also in the hard time of trying to get the mod up and running it is very good to hear everyones thoughts of the mod and praises, even if its just a "good idea" or "good job carry on going" it is very helpful

cheers guys


                  so far here is the team

                    Project leader: liamr
                    concept art    : kadashi
look guys i dont mind you saying my idea sucks in the polls but at least say WHY you hate it, a modder needs to know what is wrong with his idea

please just post your answers
Its probably the Heaven and Earth supporters who are a little annoyed at you. Shalictar has been saying for a while he wants to work on a last samurai movie mod and well for now he is the only one creating a mod that is purely a samurai mod for 1.011. I said PURELY.

If anyone can do it, its him. You chose this for a first try and seem to have little ability for modding and Asian mods are not the easiest to do especially with models as they are so different from native. Your best shot really would be something a little smaller and similar to native till you have the confidence and ability to tackle something like this.

I suggest you do what I did if you haven't already. Make a personal mod based on native so you got modding M&B down pat. Then try for a big mod like this.
i do get your point butscrew, but with this program i found it should be pretty easy, all i have to do is click what i want changed add new items or model with the touch of a few buttons although i will need modelers,

but also this is the reason i am desperate for more people, i need a little support and experience, or even just a little better than me

i have done something personal although its not much (just changing the troops items stats etc. but i am still messing around with it, as you may have seen i have not gtot past experience but i am very confident

but even though shalictars will be based on the film, mine will be more historical based

i rest my case but i would like to end by saying i am learning and i have a LOT of free time on my hands

the kind of Ironic thing about what butscrew said Is that Heaven and Earth is my first mod, and I just happen to learn everything extremely fast  :cool:.

good luck on your mod.
thank you shalictar, and you know i am looking forward to heaven on earth after i looked it up, thank you for pointing that out
I have a question, will the samurai fight in traditional battledress or in the robes and such they are depicted in historically?
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