Said before i'm sure but here it is anyway.

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I would dearly love the ability to slice my sabre across the throat of my own horsemen when the dopey ****s constantly ride in front of me on the charge causing my mount to stop and rear in protest!
Also, a bank would be nice to store some items that need to be kept, but just take up valueable invetory spaces.
A few more commands, such as a hold position button for infantry only. It would be great to issue a follow me, get my marksmen on top of a nice high hill and order them to defend it, whilst I take my Horsemen and other melee troops into battle.
More content. Do we have any idea when the next update will be and if so, what it will consist of?
Quick question. How long does it take for a lame mount to regain it's health?
Trying to be quick here, so will use the "edit" button to add further suggestions at a later date.
Skilgannon said:
I would dearly love the ability to slice my sabre across the throat of my own horsemen when the dopey ****s constantly ride in front of me on the charge causing my mount to stop and rear in protest!
cool, but in this game friendly fire would lead to too many TKs
Also, a bank would be nice to store some items that need to be kept, but just take up valueable invetory spaces.
many people have suggested this. i want it too.
A few more commands, such as a hold position button for infantry only. It would be great to issue a follow me, get my marksmen on top of a nice high hill and order them to defend it, whilst I take my Horsemen and other melee troops into battle.
also a common suggestion
More content. Do we have any idea when the next update will be and if so, what it will consist of?
it will be released soon :roll:. it's pretty much just the mod tools, i think. probably a couple bugfixes.
Quick question. How long does it take for a lame mount to regain it's health?
according to armagan, 'about 30 game days with a healing skill of 1'. so not in time for that next battle :cry:.
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