bgfan said:
The numbers are probably just a bit too high, can you honsetly imagine fitting 250 arrows in a quiver, or carrying 80 axes on your back? It would probably turn out much better if youe were to divide the numbers into either 1/2, 1/3, or 1/4 of what they are. 100 arrows is probably unrealitic, but it is more realistic than 250, however even 40 thrown weapons is overkill. Something along the lines of 15-20 would be much more balanced.
if you don't like the amounts u can change them yourself, this is hardly a mod, would be sweet tho if somone made an app that does this similar to Janus's battlesizer or TweakMB,
here is how to change the numbers:
- open "item_kinds1"
- press "Ctrl + F" (you should now have a search box)
- Enter the desired item you wish to change - e.g. (BOLT = Crossbow ammo, ARROWS = Bow ammo, THROWING = Thrown ammo,) <--- CAPS what to search for
- there are multiple types for each category e.g "
itm_khergit_arrows Khergit_Arrows Khergit_Arrows 3" is the line u need to look for if u wish to change the amount of arrows in a set of khergit arrows.
- okay so you've found the ammo you wish to change, for this example ill use steel crossbow bolts
itm_steel_bolts Steel_Bolts Steel_Bolts 3 bolt 0 flying_missile 2305843009213693952 bolt_bag_c 3458764513820540928 16842758 1879048192 210 4398046511112 2.500000 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 29 258 0
this is the line of code you need, and the
green number is what to change
itm_steel_bolts Steel_Bolts Steel_Bolts 3 bolt 0 flying_missile 2305843009213693952 bolt_bag_c 3458764513820540928 16842758 1879048192 210 4398046511112 2.500000 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 100 258 0
29 -> 100, now save the file, launch the game and each pack of steel crossbow bolts now has 100 in it as opposed to 29 like normal.
and it is exactly the same for all other ranged ammo.
- when changing thrown weapons u need to be careful as there is also a line for thrown_melee, which is obviously the melee mode of the weapon - you want to leave that alone
oh and this will be reset to normal each time u patch - how to avoid this, keep a copy of the modded item_kinds file outside your M&B folder and add it in after the patch