Hi, i am really enjoying your mod.
However, like i wrote in ModDB page, i noticed few bugs and have few points of critisism- first new factions (when AI lurker conquers a castle/town) always spawn about 5-6 lords with 200+ in party each (this part is good). Except for one (ashwan or something similar, mainly attacks Jamiche castle, purple). That one AI faction has 2000+ elite troops even before capturing castle and when it captures castle, it spawns again 5-6 lords sides faction leader, but instead of 200 or so troops, each has like 500+ troops and faction leader has over 1000 troops. All elite.
Also, terrains are always like you'd fight somewhere in the hills. even in desert (it has desert textures, but its mainly mountain climbing anyways). while it gives interesting tactical opportunities, it is pain in the backside when you want quick battle. Sides, i prefer flat ground anyways- more room for actual skill.
Speaking of quick battles, even 20vs20 battles can take up to hour between highly armoured troops- while i do like realism, i (and apparently many others) would like option for having quicker battles as well, making armoured troops less OP. I mean, i had battle yesterday where 15 juggernauts knocked out (when facing my army of 100 of high tier troops) 60 troops before taking the fall themselves. and it took half hour. And its not only juggernauts issue- every enemy with more armour than some cloth takes only 10 damage max even if you have best weapon in the game.
And before you ask- i have latest version of New dawn.
So please, for next update, flat the battlefields to almost nothing (i kinda mean it- there aint lot of places in world where there is such huge difference of terrain in such small area than in this game), reduce OP of new AI factions, especially that ash-something one and please, allow option for increasing damage to high tier units
Thank you