Runtime error

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After updating M&B Warband to 1.132 and downloading diplomacy mod for version 1.132 I got a runtime error when I start the game...
How do I fix it?
I doubt its the only solution, but a runtime error sounds more like a game issue than a mod issue to me. (though I'm admittedly not an expert)
Goffik said:
I doubt its the only solution, but a runtime error sounds more like a game issue than a mod issue to me. (though I'm admittedly not an expert)

that's what I would say too
After installing the mod, same error:
Well, we're not disputing the fact that you get an error, but a pic of the error box doesn't really help with diagnosis. The reason its odd is because you seem to be the only Diplomacy user that is experiencing it. That would suggest that its either something to do with your specific game, or your specific system... not the mod itself. Have you tried reinstalling Warband from scratch, ensuring you have the latest patch?
My system is good enough to run M&B full detail.
Got a Nvida GeForce 9500GT.
So... reinstalling M&B Warband?
But before I patched Warband, I have played Diplomacy on 1.127 :O
I've found what the problem was.
With TweakMB, you can change if the battle continues when you're dead.
It changes Mission_template.txt
After replacing the old Mission_template.txt, it runned again...
But I used it before?
Well,now i have something else.
Everytime when I enter a town, and walk, go to the arena or whatever.
It gives text, left that it cant load banners...
In the arena, there are always 2 colours, blue and yellow.
And when I won the first round, I am discuallified...?
rambo said:
But I used it before?

It doesn't matter. That 'tweak' doesn't just change a value, it replaces the ENTIRE FILE. Read the warning included, and it explains it all:

WARNING: This tweak works slightly differently from the rest of the tweaks in TweakMB. When you press the "Enable this tweak now" button, your MISSION_TEMPLATES.TXT file will be completely overwritten with a new file. This means its is CRITICAL that your module files are based on Warband version 1.113.

Diplomacy is based on v1.132. You ignored the warning, and it appears you paid the price.

rambo said:
Well,now i have something else.
Everytime when I enter a town, and walk, go to the arena or whatever.
It gives text, left that it cant load banners...
In the arena, there are always 2 colours, blue and yellow.
And when I won the first round, I am discuallified...?

To be quite honest mate, it sound like you best bet would be to just reinstall the latest version of Warband from scratch, and then install Diplomacy on the nice, fresh, un-buggered install.
Well... it means I cannot change things like amount of bets in arena, amount of arrows, and how long it takes to build schools, siege weapons etc?
But I changed that only with TweakMB? :\
Never had that before!
rambo said:
Well... it means I cannot change things like amount of bets in arena, amount of arrows, and how long it takes to build schools, siege weapons etc?
But I changed that only with TweakMB? :\
Never had that before!

TweakMB works by 'recognising' various parts of the text files. If those files are modified, then TweakMB does not recognise them and the associated tweaks are then disabled. In other words, TweakMB only works 100% with Native. Most mods will result in one or more options being unavailable. There's no way around it, nor is there ever likely to be because it would mean each mod having it very own version of TweakMB.

You could attempt to make the changes manually AFTER installing Diplomacy, by finding the correct numbers to edit yourself. However, doing so could easily result in major problems like the ones you already have. This is especially likely if you are trying to modify something which has already been tweaked by Diplomacy, because other areas relying on it could also become buggered.

To be honest, I think you're best off keeping things simple. Reinstall Warband, install Diplomacy, and then use TweakMB to edit ONLY the options which are available. You'll have to live with the rest being at default, but at least the game will work.
How do I know which options ONLY are availible?
But when I had warband 1.127, i edited Diplomacy almost totally (just for myself é)
rambo said:
How do I know which options ONLY are availible?

If you can edit the option, its available. If you can't and its greyed out, its unavailable. Simple. Other than that, just DONT activate the battle continuation option.

rambo said:
But when I had warband 1.127, i edited Diplomacy almost totally (just for myself é)

So what? We're not on v1.127 any more, and Diplomacy has also been updated since then. Things change. If you want to change all the stuff which is deactivated in TweakMB then you'll have to do so manually, but don't be surprised if it all goes horribly wrong.
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