rambo said:Now I have to mod it again with TweakMB :S
Goffik said:I doubt its the only solution, but a runtime error sounds more like a game issue than a mod issue to me. (though I'm admittedly not an expert)
rambo said:But I used it before?
rambo said:Well,now i have something else.
Everytime when I enter a town, and walk, go to the arena or whatever.
It gives text, left that it cant load banners...
In the arena, there are always 2 colours, blue and yellow.
And when I won the first round, I am discuallified...?
rambo said:Well... it means I cannot change things like amount of bets in arena, amount of arrows, and how long it takes to build schools, siege weapons etc?
But I changed that only with TweakMB? :\
Never had that before!
rambo said:How do I know which options ONLY are availible?
rambo said:But when I had warband 1.127, i edited Diplomacy almost totally (just for myself é)