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eric virgo

the game is cool. all that. there is one thing that bugs me a bit...

the walking... i want to be able to run.. just for a while... I would like a mod/fix whatever where i can press a button to burst into a charge for horse and hero alike.

i feel somehow "tired" when i am fighting. anyone get the same feeling?

so.. how about a short running burst? for a number of seconds equal to endurance + strength + agility - encumberance? and a speed bonus equal to athletics?

with some added running damage?(according to speed)
and some parry or shield penalty? (or no parry or shield ability while running)

sounds good?

i think it would add a bit more flexibility and tactical choices in the game. like charging and slashing at an opponent to save a man in your party? or running away to get on a horse quickly?

you could also balance the whole thing out by making the character unable to run for some seconds after a run... with a small bonus for good atheltics!

and i would also like to be able to crouch.. i know its useless but i feel a bit "wooden" in this game. crouching would be useful when having the cavalry charge against you. this way you could set your spear or lance a la william wallace and make kebabs out of their horsemen...

just a thought...

now.. seriously,, i would pay for a running feature. i can only imagine how much it would rock if i could run screaming with my two handed over my head to chop that annoying archer in half from behind!!!!!!!! good times!
Yeah, sprint would be good, as long as there would be some kind of endurance stat to counterbalance its use.
well yea i would like a sprint option but the extra damage attack thing im not really sure of.. but i do thinkj it should be considerd
Yeah that sounds like a good idea, as long as there was fatigue as well. Perhaps this is how a shield barge could be implemented?? :smile:
But if the AI makes use of this, it will make fighting on foot nearly impossible. Think about meet 3 enemies on the field, and they all sprint toward you. Either you sprint away and wait for them to run out of stamina...or you die. If they're all able to close range with you quickly, it will be like fighting those same 3 guys with 0 athletics and full black under the current system. You'd never be able to get a swing in. I don't see how this could possibly i missing something?
but if you are a beserker, it would be cool to just charge the ennemy.

what I do now is run towards the ennemy and then when i reach them jump in the air and swing my nordic sword RTW style
DaLagga said:
But if the AI makes use of this, it will make fighting on foot nearly impossible. Think about meet 3 enemies on the field, and they all sprint toward you. Either you sprint away and wait for them to run out of stamina...or you die. If they're all able to close range with you quickly, it will be like fighting those same 3 guys with 0 athletics and full black under the current system. You'd never be able to get a swing in. I don't see how this could possibly i missing something?

Sprint would be a short distance thing. If they are close enough to close the gap with sprint, then you had better be ready for close combat already.

Secondly, with a shield and a sword I face 8 guys at once on foot. I don't see the problem.
I can't see the Ai even having an advantage. I mean , So they are gonna sprint , Woopy. Make's little difference , If they had some thing like super dmg with it , Then by all mean's its a stupid suggestion. Although , i love the idea of putting your foot on a spear for when horse's charge at U.

And crouching...ohh, I am surprized it didn't get put in already. It's not exactly useless , Eg. You could duck arrow's , Duck a sword swing at your head.
well the idea was to sprint for a few seconds, thus:

gaining a small (speed related) damage bonus
but be unable to block or parry
with the optional "pushing the enemy" feat if you dont attack (sort of like a horse in slow speed)

of course if the enemy succeeds in hitting you while running towards him then YOU will get some added damage due to running into his blade! (this already happens with horses or moving targets in the game)

that way you could attempt to push your way through an enemy formation. imagine how sweet that would be. being surrounded by whatever getting the beating of your live and attempting a final charge to release your self... so you run and push through just to go far enough to attack again... the enemy could run too but still that gives you a chance of survival! if you are faster then you have an edge.

an of course running would be useful when for ex. your shield breaks and you want to find cover from enemy arrows.. fast...

and people can run... of course heavy armors would give penalties etc...

now the crouching thing is not really useful. it just feels more real... i mean the jumping is equally useless. have you ever jumped while in a fight??? i only jumped once for effect and once to pass a river faster...
but still it feels good to know that you are not stuck to the ground..

(or in the upright position... all the time!)
Sprint would help in battle. At the moment all damage is affected by the sped of you and the person hit.
I think the sprint would be able to use in longer times than just second, I mean in reality you can run very long with armor, and I know that. There's not much difference from using no armor, but the stamina or what it's called should be faster drained with armor.

And the running could be able to use as this:

1. Back from enemy attacks, or dodge them to the sides too.
2. Run into an enemy to knock him/her down and then attack when the enemy is on the ground. That would be really good with a lot of soldiers running into each other, the half of every army are going to lie on the ground when the others hit them as much as they can. That's a risk for both sides, but if its succeeds it will make an easy victory.
3. It looks cooler with two groups of soldiers just running into each other, it makes a better feeling.
Sprinting is different to running. A sprint is putting in a quick burst to speed (measured in seconds) while running could be just a gentle jog. Possibly the length of time you can sprint could be some formula related to athletics? Your athletics stat multiplied by 2 or 3?. As it is, the game does feel a -little- wooden. I often jump while on horseback, just for dramatic effect.

In an extreme case (which will never come to pass) I'd love to see a number of acrobatic moves become available as you become more athletic (such as being able to 'roll' while in lighter armour, or being able to jump up and forward, while stabbing down over an enemies shield)

But as it is I'd just be happy with the ability for short burst sprinting, and crouching would be -very- cool, especially if maps were added which gave the player a small measure of cover from enemy archers. A full blown archer stand-off could result, with archers ducking for cover from enemy shots.
I would definitly like running added to this game, it's stupid when you can't get to an archer because they are always a few steps ahead of you and they shoot while backstepping.

Crouching is also a good idea, would really help for horses and archers.
yea i agree. im always getting attacked by dark knights, and id like to be able to run into them while swinging my SoW aimlessly, cuz they are gong like 20 miles per hour while im walking slowly towards them. :mad:
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