Running into things...

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Why is it that when my horse is running -even at a full gallop- and bumps another horse running in the same direction at a slightly less rapid gallop, my horse STOPS???
Would it not make more sense to have my mount decrease speed to that of the horse ahead?

Assuming that the battlemap is a grid and all bots and player models have an X and Y motion, and that current orientation is "m" (slope); when player contacts a bot, cause player velocity to be decreased to the m-component of velocity of the bot.

I'm no expert on horses but I seem to recall they can startle pretty easily. I think the reaction you're seeing is akin to a horse rearing up as it tries to draw short of an obstacle - sans the rearing up part. It just stops and whinnies a bit.
Only when they're asked to jump... or when there's a loud noise, or when someone swings something in its general direction...
Yes, horses jink and jump six feet to the side and back in about a half second, and kick, and do all kinds of nasty things to us poor unsuspecting riders -but they VERY rarely stop. Stopping is a programmed response for our four-legged friends. :wink:

If you want to go the "horse is skittish" route, then waving a stick in the horse's general direction should be enough to make ALL the horses in the game carry their riders off in all directions -up to *at least* courser, and probably even that and the hunter. Warhorses (real ones) are trained to ignore that. We still do it the old-fashoned way: expose the horses to lots of scarey stuff, let them see that it isnt' hurting them, and reward them. If you've got the rare horse with "guts" (helps to have a stallion since they've got some of it naturally, but a gelding who was gelded late often has the same traits), you can actually get the horse to *enjoy* running into danger as a way of expressing dominance.

So let's not go that route. Those of us with coursers would be happy, but it would make chasing down bandits ever so much more difficult. Infantry would OWN.

Let's just get the horsies to stop rearing on me when they get their nose flicked by a tail.
Other circumstances -running into trees, rocks, other horses in head-on colissions- THEN this is good, and it's a great, realistic graphic. It's one of those little details that makes Mount and Blade stand out. But haveng an entire cavalry collumn rear up when the lead horse jinks around a rock (it's happened to me too many times!!!) is just rediculous. :???:
That's what I'm saying!
If you use the formula I mentioned, and specify that velocity cannot be negative, it takes into account all variables more realisticly that the game does currently, and still brings the horsey up short when it runs into something like a tree or an incoming charger.

Unfortunately, since I don't know -or care to know- anything about the game mechanics, I don't know that the arangement I set up is feasable -or even possible.
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