Ahhh, a Runescape thread, i was just playing that a bit a few days ago. I've only played for maybe a month in total, and can't say i find the game very fun for long. It should be renamed "clickers quest". *click on ore*...*click on ore again*...*once full return and dump at bank*...*repeat*... I played it one night and watched this guy making coal runs for about an hour, then i went to bed and got on 10hours later, and there he was...STILL gathering his damn coal. I like the trade skills, but combat couldn't be lamer (just as involved and intense as mining coal). That and money is a bit easy to make, as after my third day of playing i had discovered a scheme and had made over 1mil gold in 2 days at level 5 with a measly 40 total skills...enough to buy full rune 6 or 7 times over. *yawn* Then i started a pizza production business and had 15 or 16 workers which was rather fun for a while...until you realize that money is worthless and thus, so is running a business with profit in mind.