Its topic most of all for clan leaders, who wouldl ike participate in such event.
I dont creating poll, to avoid dozens of noobs to choose variant they like, but i expect here opinions of clan leaders - what they think would fit the best for tournament.
U can write your opinion about each variant. I will make an example.
1) New variant (current one) - 1 map can be played only once, clan can choose one faction only once for match. Khergits allowed, random maps forbidden.
My opinion - rather good variant. All factions are allowed, its nice, u cant use khergits on random maps - nice too.
Bad thing - if clan choose nords on snowy village, other clan can easily take khergits and beat nords. And on second map they will take Village map to avoid the counter-choosing of khergits.
2) No khergits, random maps allowed.
Bad thing - one faction is completely forbidden. I think its not well
3) Nations Cup variant.
Khergits allowed, random maps allowed, and clans switch factions after 5 rounds. And admins choose maps and factions instead of clns itself.
Good thing - that all clans are in rather equal conditions.
But as for me - i dont like this variant. This variant destroy clan's individuality, they HAVE TO play mps\factions, which they maybe dont like completely. While for example Eihenjar are true nords.
So my vote is for first variant, but i m not sure its the thing that all clans want, so lets listen clan leaders opinions.
I dont creating poll, to avoid dozens of noobs to choose variant they like, but i expect here opinions of clan leaders - what they think would fit the best for tournament.
U can write your opinion about each variant. I will make an example.
1) New variant (current one) - 1 map can be played only once, clan can choose one faction only once for match. Khergits allowed, random maps forbidden.
My opinion - rather good variant. All factions are allowed, its nice, u cant use khergits on random maps - nice too.
Bad thing - if clan choose nords on snowy village, other clan can easily take khergits and beat nords. And on second map they will take Village map to avoid the counter-choosing of khergits.
2) No khergits, random maps allowed.
Bad thing - one faction is completely forbidden. I think its not well
3) Nations Cup variant.
Khergits allowed, random maps allowed, and clans switch factions after 5 rounds. And admins choose maps and factions instead of clns itself.
Good thing - that all clans are in rather equal conditions.
But as for me - i dont like this variant. This variant destroy clan's individuality, they HAVE TO play mps\factions, which they maybe dont like completely. While for example Eihenjar are true nords.
So my vote is for first variant, but i m not sure its the thing that all clans want, so lets listen clan leaders opinions.