Rules for the match - write your opinion.

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Its topic most of all for clan leaders, who wouldl ike participate in such event.

I dont creating poll, to avoid dozens of noobs to choose variant they like, but i expect here opinions of clan leaders - what they think would fit the best for tournament.

U can write your opinion about each variant. I will make an example.

1)  New variant (current one) - 1 map can be played only once, clan can choose one faction only once for match. Khergits allowed, random maps forbidden.

My opinion - rather good variant. All factions are allowed, its nice, u cant use khergits on random maps - nice too. 

Bad thing -  if clan choose nords on snowy village, other clan can easily take khergits and beat nords. And on second map they will take Village map to avoid the counter-choosing of khergits.

2) No khergits, random maps allowed. 

Bad thing - one faction is completely forbidden. I think its not well :sad:

3) Nations Cup variant.

Khergits allowed, random maps allowed,  and clans switch factions after 5 rounds. And admins choose maps and factions instead of clns itself.

Good thing - that all clans are in rather equal conditions.
But as for me - i dont like this variant. This variant destroy clan's individuality, they HAVE TO play mps\factions, which they maybe dont like completely. While for example Eihenjar are true nords.

So my vote is for first variant, but i m not sure its the thing that all clans want, so lets listen clan leaders opinions.
Black_Corsair said:
1)  New variant (current one) - 1 map can be played only once, clan can choose one faction only once for match. Khergits allowed, random maps forbidden.

My opinion - rather good variant. All factions are allowed, its nice, u cant use khergits on random maps - nice too. 

Bad thing -  if clan choose nords on snowy village, other clan can easily take khergits and beat nords. And on second map they will take Village map to avoid the counter-choosing of khergits.

If clans are able to change their factions and maps until a certain time, the opponent clan can conquer the enemies faction with a faction they think best fitting. For example, if Clan A uses Khergits on Map A, Clan B could use Khergits on that map as well - or a clan they think better suited. If everyone knows the factions and maps before the match, they have the chance to choose how to counter the opponent. They could play the first map with the same factions (Khergits vs. Khergits), just as well as the second (Rhodoks vs. Rhodoks). That way, the situation with the Nords couldn't happen. The clan that chose Nords, can just change their faction to Khergits or something they think more fitting. Requirement for that is of course, that both clans are aware of the choices of their enemy and that there is a deadline for choosing and changing factions and maps
SCGavin said:
Black_Corsair said:
1)  New variant (current one) - 1 map can be played only once, clan can choose one faction only once for match. Khergits allowed, random maps forbidden.

My opinion - rather good variant. All factions are allowed, its nice, u cant use khergits on random maps - nice too. 

Bad thing -  if clan choose nords on snowy village, other clan can easily take khergits and beat nords. And on second map they will take Village map to avoid the counter-choosing of khergits.

If clans are able to change their factions and maps until a certain time, the opponent clan can conquer the enemies faction with a faction they think best fitting. For example, if Clan A uses Khergits on Map A, Clan B could use Khergits on that map as well - or a clan they think better suited. If everyone knows the factions and maps before the match, they have the chance to choose how to counter the opponent. They could play the first map with the same factions (Khergits vs. Khergits), just as well as the second (Rhodoks vs. Rhodoks). That way, the situation with the Nords couldn't happen. The clan that chose Nords, can just change their faction to Khergits or something they think more fitting. Requirement for that is of course, that both clans are aware of the choices of their enemy and that there is a deadline for choosing and changing factions and maps
rather good variant, but what to do in such situation:

- we choose  field by the river nords
- ok we vaegirs
- ah so? then we khergits
- ha, then we take khergits too
- then we take vaegirs
- ah and we swads
-  we nords
- we sarranids
Black_Corsair said:
SCGavin said:
Black_Corsair said:
1)  New variant (current one) - 1 map can be played only once, clan can choose one faction only once for match. Khergits allowed, random maps forbidden.

My opinion - rather good variant. All factions are allowed, its nice, u cant use khergits on random maps - nice too. 

Bad thing -  if clan choose nords on snowy village, other clan can easily take khergits and beat nords. And on second map they will take Village map to avoid the counter-choosing of khergits.

If clans are able to change their factions and maps until a certain time, the opponent clan can conquer the enemies faction with a faction they think best fitting. For example, if Clan A uses Khergits on Map A, Clan B could use Khergits on that map as well - or a clan they think better suited. If everyone knows the factions and maps before the match, they have the chance to choose how to counter the opponent. They could play the first map with the same factions (Khergits vs. Khergits), just as well as the second (Rhodoks vs. Rhodoks). That way, the situation with the Nords couldn't happen. The clan that chose Nords, can just change their faction to Khergits or something they think more fitting. Requirement for that is of course, that both clans are aware of the choices of their enemy and that there is a deadline for choosing and changing factions and maps
rather good variant, but what to do in such situation:

- we choose  field by the river nords
- ok we vaegirs
- ah so? then we khergits
- ha, then we take khergits too
- then we take vaegirs
- ah and we swads
-  we nords
- we sarranids


Both factions have to agree on maps and factions through PMs/Steam/XFire and then inform a arbiter who is in neither of their teams or even post on the forum. If after that one clan wants to change their factions, they can do so. The other clan can adjust their own choices accordingly. After that they tell the responsible arbiter about the changes to one or both teams (or post it on the forums), and the factions/maps become fixed.
After that no changes can be made by either team. Also both teams have to have enough time to respond to such a change, that means changing factions just before the deadline for map- and faction-changes end would not be permitted. Latest date for changes would be 24 hours before the deadline. The clan changing the map/factions has to PM their choice to the leader(s) and sub-leader(s) of the opponent clan, who then have until the deadline to adjust their own factions/maps.

Or something like that...
To avoid counter choosing maps and faction:
Leaders PM only to arbiter their map and factions before the game.
Like this:
Opponents map\Nords

It'll be a bit random but still clans can choose what they want
1team say: nords
2team say: vergirs
match accepted

1team say: nords
2 team say: khergits (!!!)
1 team say: acsepted or we play khergits
(we will have a clarification in the rules, which only works when the case indicate the second team faction khergits)
match accepted
What about flags?

Sometimes it's quite frustrating to wait against an only crossbowmen team campering for 5 minutes, until the flags randomly show up.
Nikephoros said:
What about flags?

Sometimes it's quite frustrating to wait against an only crossbowmen team campering for 5 minutes, until the flags randomly show up.

Is part of the game mechaniqs (or mechanics, my english is bad :p). Just squeeze your brain to beat that start, is possible though.

edit: edited
Nikephoros said:
What about flags?

Sometimes it's quite frustrating to wait against an only crossbowmen team campering for 5 minutes, until the flags randomly show up.

Why is it frustrating? On the contrary, there isn't enough time to rejoice about the upcoming round victory...
I don't think we should focus our attention at khergits at all.
If someone thinks that he can pick up khergits and some open map to get 10 - 0 - it's his sweet dreams I say :smile:

I like the idea with arbiter who knows both maps and factions of teams before the game.

Vanvommel said:
Nikephoros said:
What about flags?

Sometimes it's quite frustrating to wait against an only crossbowmen team campering for 5 minutes, until the flags randomly show up.

Is part of the game mechaniqs (or mechanics, my english is bad :p). Just squeeze your brain to beat that start, is possible though.

edit: edited
The khergits are part of the game mechanics too, don't hold on this argument please, beacuse some people are even able to say that glitches are part of the game mechanics.

Playing against a full crossbowmen camping team is simply unsportsmanlike IMHO and it only shows that a team fear to fight the other. I love competitive games but don't turn it in the NC camp fest: it's way boring to assault the same house for 5 rounds in a row and then start to defend it. I'd like to see movements, manoeuvres and epic charges than just the "stay hidden until flag shows up" usual behaviour in such competitive things.

And don't say "find better tactics/learn 2 play" cause that's not the point. The point is the fun of a true Warband battle rather than a camping one
Would it be feasible to make such rule on 33% infantry, 33% cavalry and 33% ranged? Maybe to prevent some situations like a vaegir full archer spam team or nord full infantry team on nord town. This would take some of the most noticing advantages some factions have to offer yes, and go more towards balacing both fighting sides.
Now i m rather close to make NC system again, just not to hear that RS will take khergits and pwn all...

So do you want me to make it that way:

The maps-factions for first tour is:
*random generator* Ruined Fort nords\swads. After 5 rounds switch factions
*random generator but minus ruined fort*  Field by the river sarranids\khergits. After 5 rounds switch factions

or what? or just  delete khergits? ^^
Guz-Lvsitania said:
Would it be feasible to make such rule on 33% infantry, 33% cavalry and 33% ranged? Maybe to prevent some situations like a vaegir full archer spam team or nord full infantry team on nord town. This would take some of the most noticing advantages some factions have to offer yes, and go more towards balacing both fighting sides.
no, i will never accept it. It s even more boring.

Some clans can play infantry perfectly, some - shooters ,some cavalry. No need to destroy their individuality.
Guz-Lvsitania said:
Would it be feasible to make such rule on 33% infantry, 33% cavalry and 33% ranged? Maybe to prevent some situations like a vaegir full archer spam team or nord full infantry team on nord town. This would take some of the most noticing advantages some factions have to offer yes, and go more towards balacing both fighting sides.

we use 90% cavs and 10% bows at one round.
we used 60% inf and 40% bows at next round
we used ... and ... and ... next round
its team tactics - time for rush or time for camp, time for cav attacks or time for bows
Nikephoros said:
What about flags?

Sometimes it's quite frustrating to wait against an only crossbowmen team campering for 5 minutes, until the flags randomly show up.

I agree, victory should belong only to whatever team has the most kills when the timer runs out. This would also deal efectively with force-draw issues.
I remember how tedious and unspirited the tactics were with the flags in the nc.

It would be alot more fulfilling if we were made to fight all the time for our victories. I cant understand how more veterans dont see this.
I agree, victory should belong only to whatever team has the most kills when the timer runs out. This would also deal efectively with force-draw issues.
I remember how tedious and unspirited the tactics were with the flags in the nc.

It would be alot more fulfilling if we were made to fight all the time for our victories. I cant understand how more veterans dont see this.

Maybe because veterans can understand how ill it work?

And it will work that way:

Village map , rhodoks\nords.  Rhodoc xboman makes a lucky headshot, and then all rhodoc team hide till timer goes out.

Rhodocs win, beacuse they have one kill, nords 0 kills?
Maybe if other tem has at least THREE time more alive players, then win?

is it ok?

For example if  0:00 on timer, nd we have 6+ alive rhodocs, and 2 nords  - then rhodocs win.
But if 1-5 rhodocs and 2 nords - draw.
That would be nice I suppose.

Black_Corsair said:
Village map , rhodoks\nords.  Rhodoc xboman makes a lucky headshot, and then all rhodoc team hide till timer goes out.

Rhodocs win, beacuse they have one kill, nords 0 kills?

They couldn't hide forever. From the moment that one team got into such a disadvantage, they would have to work to change that. And if they all died in the attempt, then the best team with the best tactics would have won the match.
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