RSF(BRF now) Editor Thread and Adding New Items

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Alright, first I just want to answer some of the PMs and other questions I've been getting such as, "How do you add new items with different textures without replacing the regular ones?"

1) Adding new items.
Currently this is fairly tedious, as you have to 1: copy down the item entry and then paste it in at the end, change the mesh name, change the texture name it uses, update the item count at the top of the file, 2: add new entries for any new texture files you made (similar to adding a new mesh, as in 1), 3: make sure the materials for the texture file you're adding are correct (similar to the process in 1), 4: add the new item entry in item_kinds1.txt.

If you're proficient with a hex editor, this is merely tedious to do (especially when you get lots of items, in my case around 38 (including 2 entries per boot mesh). If you're not so proficient with a hex editor, I wouldn't even bother attempting it, since you'll just get some errors and be frustrated by the end of the whole thing.

However, as I'm sure those of you that follow the Unofficial Editor thread have noticed, I'm working on an RSF/BRF editor. Right now the loading of the .rsf/brf files is working correctly (or at least, it seems like it). I'm now working on the saving of the rsf/brf data, which is buggy at best at the mo ment (I've just been learning how the file IO is in .NET, different than what I'm used to).

I just wanted to make this post to clear up why I don't really go into more detail about how to add new items. It's not to do with me being a jerk or whatnot, it's just that I don't have the time to help everyone out individually with their editing. For now, I suggest anyone that wants to add new items merely make their textures and test them in the game by overwriting existing items, then when I've got the editor working, it will be a simple matter of using it to add them as separate items.
We appreciate that you don't want to keep your monopole, since we know you have every right to do so.

Thanks dude.
sorry for the bugging mate. it is just that you're the only one who knows this as far as i've seen.

btw thanx!!
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