RRR how do you dismount / get off the horse?

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I figured out how to get on one: press f.

But how the hell do I get off one? I have a crossbow, and I can't think of a way to get off my horse, there are no controls for it, and i couldn't find the answer on the forum.

Oh also, when I kill riverside pirates, all of them have weapons, but at the end of battle all I get is a hat worth 1 pennY?
1) WHy is there RRR in the title?
2) Stop your horse, lookdown, and press f again when a message shows.
3) Light crossbows and hunting craossbows are re-loadable on horseback (other x-bows aren't).
4) Your troops get a share of the treasure, and someone else will explain the loot process, however, check the suggestion forum Stickies as they have more answers.
It would be funny if you could set the loot rate, share 90% of it or keep 100% for yourself!

If you decided to keep it all for yourself your troops would desert you at every opportunity, and fight with poor morale, but that's a suggestion for the suggestion forum.
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