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I am pretty sure this is implimented in bandit king, so it shouldn't be hard to put it in native.

If an enemy is being beaten badly they will flee the battle. they will not continue to fight when the odds are heavily against them.
We have the ability to retreat, why can't them?
A Random Person said:
I am pretty sure this is implemented in bandit king, so it shouldn't be hard to put it in native.

If an enemy is being beaten badly they will flee the battle. they will not continue to fight when the odds are heavily against them.
We have the ability to retreat, why can't they?

Because then you can't slaughter them! Isn't that fun? I find it annoying having to chase around a map just to kill someone.
I like it, especially in NE mod where its tweaked to perfection. In NE, I have only ever seen bandits and merc war partys flee from me. Lords rarely flee because they are so well balanced that they can go toe to toe with me and put up a fight, and most of the time the morale by the end of the fight on both sides is slipping, but none of the well trained men ever once tried to flee.
there are mods where the AI runs away when their morale is wavering, but you HAVE to chase them and kill them

-they should have the option to surrender
-routing units should dissapear, mostly they will run back to some army/offer their fighting services in some tavern/become deserter parties
Your ideas more fall under alternative retreats. (The disappearing when they reach the border namingly) But should be part of the gaem as well.

And the thing is, in NE, when their morale wavers and you have 4x as many men as them, they do run, like they should, and it should be a pain in the ass chasing down 30 guys instead of 300 because the 300 are less likely to run
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