Romance and Marriage is sad :(

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you dont give camels in a marriage .... thats just insulting
you give sheep


I am about to roast you

Check this homeboy:

The average dowry size was 16.5 sheep units, where one camel is valued at about 10 sheep or goats

Don't challenge my Dowry knowledge ever again!
camels=travel means get out of my face....
sheep=food =weeding and food for years to come....
i am an arab tribes man

So I'm just joking around, I'm Canadian. I just play Aserai characters a lot.
But according to this fun little study I found online:

The average dowry size was 16.5 sheep units, where one camel is valued at about 10 sheep or goats. The traditional brideprice is 3 camels. Each son takes about 10 camels for his marriage, when brideprice is accounted for.
I hope they would change this "start at age 30" thing. Even in Warband, the player could start the game at the age of 19-20. This is the main issue btw, why TW insistly remove the systems that work perfecly in Warband?
I'm teasing dude, settle down. Its also not racist info, its a study a medical institute lol. Sorry my joke hurt your feelings.
if you give a man a sword you are telling him he is weak
if you give a man camel you are telling him to get out of your face
if you give a man sheep= you want him to be healthy and full
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