Roman Republic mod beta v2.2 brainstorming and bug reporting

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Before we start brainstorming Roman Republic beta mod v2.2 and bugs reporting of Roman Republic beta mob v2.1, here are list of what are updated, fixed, and being included of new features into next version of Roman Republic army v2.2:

1) Fixed Gladius bugs, forgot to reduce the reach of this gladius to short sized of gladius.

2) Fixed uber of gladiators and nerfed them greatly. But these army of rebel gladiators are still very dangerous and you will be required to have strong army of Princeps to be able to battle and crush these army of rebels.

3) Will finally add whole army of Greek Hellentic while rebalancing between roman army and greek's hellentic army.

4) Dacian army being tweaked further and due to unstable of turning these army into recruitable, they are forced to become non recruitable of independent army. Roman and Greek are already at war against Dacian and be warned, their party raider are very strong and brutal. You will be required to build to your maximum numbers of legionaries to be able to battle and defeat these strong army of Dacian.

Now I would like to see what are all of your poeple's opinions, feedback, idea/suggestions of addition new features, and having any of you to report bugs that are no fixed as posted in my list above, on this thread.

Eagle out...
nice mod eagle
have tried it out for a few days now
glad to see that u thought of making those gladiators less good(they were far too good). same goes for the dacians too
another thing that buged me the roman triarii (the pike guys) are also too damn good should like to see them less threatning otherwise my npc berserkers will be the assistants of my hired gladiators
at the begining you really can't make any money if you don't cheat a little :oops:
now i like your ideea and i would like to suggest smth:
the dacians didn't fancy too much armor so a helmet would be out of place here (only the nobleman wore sometimes a cap or smth) you could give them the green hat that is in the game and which is quite similar to what they really wore.

as for their clothes i can skinn you a a few if u want (the dacians)
also i can make u a shield that will closely resemble the real one (also if u want).
how about the kettle hat for the gladiators i think u should use that too
and u should make the dacians a faction too (i mean give them a town and be able to join them as well as the greeks and romans)
one more thingy the falxmen were almost no armor because it made them too heavy and they thought it was shameful to wear one.
if u would like my help with informations about dacians or help u skin somth. send me an email at [email protected]
or post smth

nice mod ideea once again
Hmm! Still no replies from everyone? Are you guys too busy playing my Romen Republic mod beta v2.1?

I am still awaiting for any more of feedback, bugs reporting, and suggestions from you guys.

Hellentic is already replacing swadian factor and you'll get to play as either Roman or Greek while being in war with either side of these factors, especially Dacian as well.

Eagle out...
hey eagle this is my first attempt at dacian shirt (forget to modify the sleeves) :

pls tell me if it is any good for u so that i'll know wheather to continue or not
ToSHIro said:
hey eagle this is my first attempt at dacian shirt (forget to modify the sleeves) :

pls tell me if it is any good for u so that i'll know wheather to continue or not

It is good and please contiune work for us, and we would like to have more of new textures for next version of Roman Republic mod.

Eagle out...
eagle, here is the dacian shirt modified

how is it?? what need's to be worked on??

soon when time will be my ally :grin: i will show u the finished dacian shield
you need to work on the handle of the falx. The unit should use the falx like the sword of war in the game. this is my 2 cents
as promised this is the dacian shield (my first attempt at it anyway):
i'm not very fond of the texture though i'll see if there is anything else i can do about it

again aspecting some feedback
here is what i thought of being the most apropriate for a dacian falxman or peasant to wear

revised dacian shirt:
Not bad! keep up your nice work and I'll speak with author of Huge mod, whom is an expert of coder, to help me adding more of weapons for next version of Roman Republic mod v2.1.

Eagle out...
If you wanted to try out some color coordination you might try making the cap the same red as the tail of the shirt. Might look cool for a higher level/social class soldier.
The shirt's beautiful Toshiro :smile: And Eagle, I'm working my way thru mag 7 at the mo, yours will be the next mod I try, It's looking good :grin:
the dacian men wore cap only if they were noblemen otherwise they didn't wear any kind of headclothing
(at least that is what i know)
how about some roman or greek armor eagle??
i'll try to make a few for your mod.
be right back with them (in my time that means an hour or two) again time is not my ally
Hellentic is already replacing swadian factor and you'll get to play as either Roman or Greek while being in war with either side of these factors, especially Dacian as well.

It´s that true? If I download it now would I be able to play with Greeks?.

Nice models men.
Nahadiel said:
Hellentic is already replacing swadian factor and you'll get to play as either Roman or Greek while being in war with either side of these factors, especially Dacian as well.

It´s that true? If I download it now would I be able to play with Greeks?.

Nice models men.

Yes thats right, BUT in next version of Roman Republic mod v2.2! You will be able to play as greek! They are still under beta testing by me while upgrading entire of my Roman Republic from using Mag. 7 v.15 to latest v.17. It will take a while for me to work on them to replace whole of Dark rider, Vaegir, and Swadian factors with Dacian, Roman, and Greek. I also am retweaking gladius and removing gladius I and II, since I have realized that they still can be looted, even thuoght they'd never be able to be picked up after disabling them from being sold in Smith. So I have to assign this normal gladius to pre-marius legionaries while rebalancing them well for players. Gladius still willl be extreme effective against enemy, but yet, under specific conditions. You will figure out how to use them well, by getting REALLY close to enemy and you'll depend alot on shield while going for a kill. But it depend where you stab em, ifyou only stab their arm or other parts instead of pimary body (heart) or head, you'll have to stab em again for gladius kills.

Eagle out...
When updating to the latest version, cut and paste is your friend. When I do one version of mag-7 like steppe for .17, then I just cut and paste the original knight and berserker heroes into a copy of steppe so I only have to do the troops.txt changes once.

You should just cut and paste your original roman mod toop entries into .17. Then that part of the update takes 10 minutes tops.
hi eagle,
as promised this is my first attempt at roman armor:
tried to do some praetorian armor. i don't really like it, it hasn't got that spark pls tell me what's wrong. (i will make the black coat red and i will try to do some lorica segmentata)
These are perfect for Spartan hoplite! And about praetorian, I am not sure, but prehap, you could give them shiny of dark black color instead? And can you change these dark color leather into red colored for spartan hoplite, so I definely would use them for Spartan hoplite? I really like your texture job on these golden of armour, they look very impressive and keep up your hard work!

:shock: :smile:

Eagle out...
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