Roman man (army ranking and upgrade system) *updated*

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Here are my latest list of Roman and Greek's army ranking and upgrade system.

Roman's army ranking and upgrade system:

(this list is removed temporary while they are being reworked!)


Greek City's army ranking and upgrade system:

militia hoplite (basic army)

Upgrade 1:

hoplite (foot army)
peltast (missile)

Upgrade 2:

armoured hoplite (foot army, with more experienced and better armoured hoplites.)
veteran peltast (missile)
greek cavalry

Upgrade 3:

veteran armoured hoplite (veteran armoured hoplite with improved stats and equipment)
sword hoplite (veteran foot army armed with sword instead of 9 meter of spears, along large round shield used by armoured)
heavy peltast (experienced missile group, with better throwing spears equipments with improved markerman skills)
archers (missile group armed with arrow and bows)
greek heavy calvary (veteran cavalry with heavy horse with better armour, weapon and shield)

Upgrade 4:

Corinthian hoplite (elite armoured hoplite)
Athenian hoplite (similar to Corinthian but with their own unique textures and slight different of their own unique stats)
Thebian sacred bands (similar to concepts of athenian hoplites)
hypaspist (elite of sword hoplite, legionaries version of greek)
kryteia (elite peltast)
cretan archers (elite archers)
Elite Greek Cavalry (elite heavy cavalry)

Speical upgrade:

Spartan Hoplite (Can only be upgrade 2 to 3 times per 20 battles)
corinthian hypaspist (similiar to above)
thessalian calvary (similiar to above)

I'd like to have any of your feedback on this, and if some of these seem to be not historically part of their army, let me know please. And if there are some of additions units to these list you think that might would fit to these upgrade system, feel free to post them, more feedback and suggestions i get, the better!

Eagle out...
Looks like you might be able to put praetorian guards in there since there are so many greek infantry units in tier 4. i would take the corinthian hoplite out b/c i don't see any need for 3 infantry units in one tier (the 4th one)
bt1283 said:
Looks like you might be able to put praetorian guards in there since there are so many greek infantry units in tier 4. i would take the corinthian hoplite out b/c i don't see any need for 3 infantry units in one tier (the 4th one)

The reason why I put Corinthian in, so that poeple would have different of elite hoplite with different of their own unqiue style and color themes on their armours and shields. If you dont want to play as Corinthian, you can always play as athenian hoplite. We are going to add several of different unique hoplites used by Greek, from their different cities. So that way anyone can play as their own favorite of historic hoplites against romans in this mod.

:twisted: :cool:

Eagle out...
Thank, and if you know of any of other hoplites besides Corinthian and Athenian hoplite, let me know. And I am glad that you liked the idea of my upgrade systems.

Eagle out...
Perhaps the Theban Sacred Band. They'd be almost as elite as the Spartans though, so I don't know where you'd put them...
bt1283 said:
Perhaps the Theban Sacred Band. They'd be almost as elite as the Spartans though, so I don't know where you'd put them...

Were they part of Greek city's armies? I'd like to see the sources of these army please?

If they were part of Greek, then I'll consider about adding them to my list.

Eagle out...
They were definately part of the Greek army. Well, Greek city-states were separate and always fought eachother, but Thebes and other city-states fought together against Philip of Macedon, and there were always alliances before that. Anyway, its kind of gross. The Sacred Band of Thebes were elite hoplites, and each was paired with a "lover" so that they would fight bravely and not shame eachother. Thebes is actually one of the few city-states to have defeated Sparta in open battle. I'm not sure yet what they looked like exactly. I'll get back to you.
bt1283 said:
They were definately part of the Greek army. Well, Greek city-states were separate and always fought eachother, but Thebes and other city-states fought together against Philip of Macedon, and there were always alliances before that. Anyway, its kind of gross. The Sacred Band of Thebes were elite hoplites, and each was paired with a "lover" so that they would fight bravely and not shame eachother. Thebes is actually one of the few city-states to have defeated Sparta in open battle. I'm not sure yet what they looked like exactly. I'll get back to you.

List updated, thank to you!

Eagle out...
Well, since Mount and Blade's AI doesn't support the square and other of formations used by an ancient roman and greek's warfare.

For now, unless if someone ever manage to have the abilities to edit AI to do strict formations of attack and defend, we'd have to make them to fight as an individual soldiers.

However, for hoplite, they'd be using 9 ft of spears, along with large round of shield, giving these army capabilies to defend theirselves well while using spears to poking at enemy individually.

Eagle out...
bump! Updated my list and I want to know what any of you think of it, or do you have anything to add, remove, or suggestions to this list of army's upgrade system of Roman and Greek?

Eagle out...
Poor hoplites who get their spears stuck in their enemies and couldn't use it to defend themselves from the rest of the oncoming army...
Nice List Eagle, i love it, anyway, is there a feature that we can use "barbecue" with the hoplite spear? lol kidding...

Have a Happy hendy day!
Eagle, the list looks pretty solid. I don't know if I like calling the Elite Greek Cavalry the General's Bodyguard. I love Rome: Total War, but that may be too much like it. I would do one of three things: 1. just called them Elite Greek Cavalry, 2. bump the Thessalian Cavalry down, or 3. Make them Companion Cavalry (I know that's Macedonia, but why not? it's technically Greece... but I know this probably won't work.) Hey, another suggestion, if people don't like there being so many different kinds of hoplites, maybe you could put Basternae in there, or some kind of Crazy Thracian unit.
Overall Eagle, great job.
I am pretty sure that Hoplites were also armed with a small hand weapon (think oversized dagger) so that they wontbe hopeless in hand2 hand.

hoplites also carried a smaller 60 cm thrusting sword called a xiphos.
from Wikipedia, under hoplite.[/quote]
Thebes is actually one of the few city-states to have defeated Sparta in open battle.

Only really towards Sparta's end where the Thebes fielded phalanxes 60 men deep!! Apparently. They won through numbers due to the spartans rigid code of accceptance. It is possible they beat them before too, i just only know of this incident.

Mod looks great Eagle i like it. Like bt1283 says though, try not to make it feel like Rome Total War too much however great it is.

Few thoughts on units;

I know this would be picky and annoying to do in the mod but the Roman military structure kind of prevents infantry upgrading to cavalry. Early on this is possible because the cavalry were the nobles and i could see how through the spoils of war a man could earn wealth and buy a horse etc. Not too realsitic but permitted with a game. Later though when the Romans had a professional army the cavalry would be auxilliaries and not proper Romans. Therefore upgrading infantry to cavalry would be wierd!

Heres an idea - You can recruit 2 basic types of units, Romans and auxiliaries, both following different paths. Aux units become cavalry, skermishers and maybe gladiators, Romans become principes and Pretorian Guard. I think this would allow for some more fun troop management, rather than starting from the one single trop type.

For the Greeks you could split armies up into city factions. As it, corinthian peasants can become corinthian special units. So if you want some special Spartans you have to secruit spartans in the first place. Just a thought, prob would play rubbish as they'd fill army slots too quick if you tried using more than one type of people. Then again, you could just remove/increase the party slots leaving leadership to control numbers.

You could even ally yourself more to a city/faction, get better troops, quicker upgrading?

EDIT-Actually, Pretorian cavalry may well have been Roman people, maybe not citizens though. They maybe were elite soldiers trained to be cavalry. The best and most loyal of the auxiliaries. Damn i'm confused now. But the basics are the same, the infantry were regarded as the elite so would have stayed as infantry, becoming cavalry would, in the most part, be a demotion.
In real life the Triarii were the elitest units that rome had to offer during battles, not legionary cohorts, cohort is a measure of unit amount and a legion is a measure of how many armies, im not sure though. But the triarii was definately the best and last unit they used in battle.
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