Roma Victor MMORPG

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This is a great MMORPG it has similar combat system to M&B. its in beta. you can ask me questions about it or go check it out yourself.
i liek the idea of offering a client side to it instead of having to pay for it..... if M&B goes multiplayer i hope its just free and you dont have to pay to use it
you probably wont get into beta lol unless you get like 400 posts real quickly and they actually are good so the admins like you. It supposedly comes out sept 30. i think they will let in all active forum members in august or september so be somewhat active lol.If you are very insterested in it you can join my guild at
I've had a beta account for a long while, then i found mount&blade...

i was looking for a realistic medieval MMORPG, i found roma victor. Then i found M&B and thought it was multiplayer for the first 15 mins in the game. I haven't really looked at roma victor anymore after that.

I didn't play roma victor anymore because i kept getting connection problems with it back then. I might try it again sooner or later.
lol faces look like they have been texturized rather than modelled...
Wait I think they are...
graphics in those screenshots are set on low.

Only problem with this game is its quite slow paced so if you like just running around and killing whenever this is not like that. Only way you can do that is gladiatorial games. The only reason it is slow paced is because its realistic the world is huge. Also there are not "monsters" there are animals as in wolves and real life things in Equrope but not like dragons or anything that is in like UO or any fantasy game.
many people have however unless its obvious your in such as you have been on RV forums few years or have more than 1000 posts you arent supposed to say your in beta.
more people are being accepted all the time. increase your chances by posting on rv community. There has been talk of all active forum members will be accepted soon as in probably end of August and you will be in till it release (estimated release is end of september.
I'm co-founder of one of the bigger barbarian clans right now - if you want to apply, check out our forums at . Since we only accept "elite" members, you'll have to write an application and prove yourself worthy. This way we keep t3h l337 n00bs out (this is because the downfall of my previous clan, in which we accepted everyone).

So, if you're intrested, good luck. :wink:
dont join the barbarians join my guild we accept anyone and we are a merhcant legion so you dont have to fight if you dont want to. Romans are better than barbarians.
Septus said:
dont join the barbarians join my guild we accept anyone

Ah, low standards indeed. :wink:

I'm afraid my experience of MMORPGS in the past has left me somewhat cynical towards them. AO, technically the only MMO I've ever played, was insanely boring unless you had some good people to play with. I haven't played WoW, but the forums are enough to put me off it for life. I'll stick with the occasional MUD and MPing/SPing other games, I'm afraid. :razz:
well you see most MMORPGs are EQ clones which means they suck. The best MMO was UO it was also the first true graphical MMO. its still around but when its expansion AoS launched few years ago it was crapified. UO didnt have levels. RV does not have levels either. it is a good MMO beacuse its not lame. if boring is your problem this may not be for you. The normal game is slow paced because you dont just run out and fight animals that are mysteriously outside a city. This game doesnt have "monsters" it is realistic. its animals are like wolves and stuff like that not dragons or elder gazers. the only monsters will be in elysium( where you go when you die) depending how you died or what you did in life will depend on what you do to get out such as if you are a murderer you may have to kill a cerebrus but if you are a crafter you probably wont have to fight. the fast paced part of this game is the gladiatorial games.
Roma-Victor news at the preview. and KFR is the lead designer
Septus said:
dont join the barbarians join my guild we accept anyone and we are a merhcant legion so you dont have to fight if you dont want to. Romans are better than barbarians.

Trust me, we did that before, had about 30 members, but the guild fell apart because of the many 12 year old "n00bz0rs". And being Roman attracts this public as well.

Romanes Eunt Domus :lol:
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