SP Antiquity Roma Invicta Beta 3 (Updated March 5th)

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The time has come!
The Roma Invicta Beta 3 is here!


Fulham Gladius
Lorica Segmentata
Mainz Gladius
Pompeii Gladius
Spatha I
Spatha II
Spatha III
Lorica Segmentata
Lorica Hamata
Centurion Hamata
Praetorian  Segmentata

Beta 1 Screenshots:
Screen 1
Screen 2
Screen 3
Screen 4
Screen 5

Planned features:

Colleseum Arena with Gladiators
New world map
New Factions/Troops

Heres some other features I'd LIKE to implement but lack the experience to make happen:

Naval Battles
Last Days style war system
Civil Wars (You can attack your own faction and attempt a takeover, and random AI faction civil wars)
Tribal system (Can Ally with other tribes, or attack them)
Great work Raptor,
this will go a long way to the kind of repository I had hoped for.
I dont see a problem with the pugios blade:
I hope you will also do the different evolutions of roman scuta and also model the roman cavalerie shields.
I am also glad that you will do a basic tunica, and dont forget the footwear :wink:
The Pugio is just fine, I took the picture at an angle to show the smoothing groups on the blade better.
It looks like this one:
Only... newer...

I figured if anyone wants to be a 'Civilian' or a Velites, ect, they might want the plain tunic (Which will come in off-white and red). The Lorica will come in just off-white though.
OK since you are on this stuff already...
(though I guess Lorkahn and Henderson will also be hard at work creating Roman items)

Will you also do the wolfshead cap that velites used as a helmet?
And similarly what about the animal skin helmets and capes of the signifiers? (Lion, Bear and Wolf)
And also whom do I have to bribe with what to get accurate models of gladiatorial equipment for the game?
I think it would be great to use a concept like the arena fights in Zendar with acurate roman galdiatorial classes.
Coolus C
Centurion Imperial Gallic H
Imperial Gallic H
Italic G

I can do the Wolf's Head cap, but I don't see any point in adding Signifers or the Signum itself, be slower than a polehammer and do about as much damage as a boar spear...

As for Gladiator armour, unless someone beats me to it or I'm unable to add these weapons/armour to the game, I guess I can do a Gladiator line, but I doubt the net used by the Retiarii would possible unfortunatly. Would be bloody hilarious to net someone and stick him with that Trident though...
ooooooohhhh. I like the variety of the helms, very historic looking, i wouldnt mind kickin some ass with that crested gallech heheh. These are going to be textured right??? Cant wait to see em finished.....

Glad you guys like em all. Thats all for now though unless anyone has any suggestions, the Lorica Hamata and Squamata and a Balteus will wait till Armagan releases the tools since they need to fit close to a body, and in the end I can probably just edit a Hauberk to remove the sleeves/change the lengths and retexture it with no problem. On to textureing, but before that I'm going to optimize the Mainz and the Spatha I and II, I suspect the poly crunch is coming from the bone grip, but I may have forgotten to delete some cylinder caps :???:

Now I gotta warn ya, I'm no great texture artist, and alot of these will end up being photoskins (Nice ones though, I got a 5.0 megapixel digicam!) so if ya don't like what ya see, offer to reskin it to comething better.
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