Resolved Rogue Extraordinaire perk is Bugged/Misleading (No, you did not resolve it)

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Master Knight
Summary: Rogue Extraordinaire perk (Roguery 275) allegedly (according to its description) gives "+1% loot amount for every skill point above 200". It just says "loot" without specifying any particular kind of loot (like "raid loot") so it's reasonable to assume it should work on any loot.
However, de facto it has no impact on battle loot. A character with Roguery ~300 has the same amount of loot (measured by total revenue from selling said loot) from the same fight regardless of having the perk.
Roguery's own effect on loot is clearly visible: a character with roguery 60 gets way less loot than character with roguery 300. But learning Rogue Extraordinaire perk on top of it doesn't increase loot further.

Old bannerlordperks website (;skill=roguery;perk=rogue-extraordinaire ) claims that the perk only affects loot from caravans and raided villages. I don't know if that is true but if that is - and if that is intended - then the perk's description should be changed/clarified so that it doesn't mislead anyone into believing that all loot is affected.

How to Reproduce: autoresolve the same fight against some random enemy lord a few times by the same hero with the same ~300 Roguery skill but with/without the perk and then sell the loot to see how much you gained. The expected 100% ((300-200)*1%) bonus to loot is just not there.
Old thread:
You did not resolve it. Your response/"resolution" was nonsensical and I commented on it.
If you can't understand simple English text, find someone who actually speaks English.

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