----Original Message-----
From: "Georges M. Halpern, MD, PhD"
Sent: Aug 12, 2014 8:34 AM
To: "Anthropoid"
Subject: Prof. Halpern invites you to IJCHN
Dear Dr. Anthropoid
I am Georges M. Halpern, Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. I am also serving as the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition (IJCHN).
Under the enterprising leadership of the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Silvia Kaufmann , the journal is now in its third volume and we are proud that journal continues to attract authors from around the world. You can view the free to download articles from the latest issue of 2014 here. You can also view testimonials from authors pleased with the publisher's approach to rapid processing (within 4 to 6 weeks) of research articles at low cost with OPEN ACCESS option.
Our research team has looked up your name as a potential author in the field and therefore I am pleased to invite you to contribute a research manuscript or a review article in the journal.
We are currently receiving papers for the forthcoming issue of 2014. If you are interested in contributing then please send me the title and one page abstract of your proposed manuscript by email as soon as possible. The submission deadline for complete manuscript is 2 months. You can also submit your full manuscript using the Online Manuscript Submission & Tracking System.
We welcome senior researchers to join us as 'Guest Editors' and contribute Hot Topic issues (which includes 4 to 5 articles) on a particular topic of interest in "Child Health and Nutrition". Guest Editors are entitled receive honorarium, free subscription of the journal for their institution and other benefits. So do let me know if you are interested in such an endeavor. For more details contact me at
[email protected] .
About the Journal:
Published from Canada, IJCHN aims to publish peer-reviewed papers reporting advanced and novel research on the diverse aspects of health and prevention of nutrition-related diseases in children. This comprises obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, HIV and other chronic diseases. It also focuses on studies of nutrient - gene interactions, bioavailability of minerals, malnutrition, health, diet & nutrition, nutritional status and general nutrition & dietetics in children. The journal is published with the assistance of Lifescience Global. Regardless of the negative publicity, the publisher is committed to publishing research rapidly online and providing a platform for worldwide dissemination using modern publishing model. The publisher is a member of CrossRef and their publications are indexed by SCOPUS, chemical abstracts, CAB Abstracts, Index Copernicus, IMEMR and AsiaNet. As a new journal this journal is also currently being examined by SCOPUS and ISI Thompson Scientific for inclusion in their database.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries. If you think that anyone from your colleagues will be interested in submitting his/her work to the journal, please feel free to ask him to contact me.
I am looking forward to your positive response.
Best personal regards,
Georges M. Halpern, MD, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong SAR
Associate Editor
International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition