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i think it would be pretty kool if there were roads that connected the different towns together. when traveling to another town, if you stayed on the roads, you would move faster then if you wernt (like if your walking, and you go into a forest you slow down) also caravans would travel on the roads. the con to traveling on the road is that bandits would most likely stay near there to ambush caravans or you. heheh. what do you guys and gals think?
Umm...AFAIK, isn't the hard surface of a road bad for a horse's hooves, or is that just if the horse is unshod?
Yep, I like this idea. However, in relation to the AI, how would this work if you were at Zendar and wanted to go to Tihr, would you travel by road or take the shortest route possible
Depends on what road, depends at what speed you are going, and depends how much the horse is carrying. (And obviously depends whether the horse is shod or not)

Shoes were actually invented for the sole purpose of having horses on hard stone (and the like) roads. An un-shod horse can carry a rider at a walk pace without shoes on roads without problems, but if it goes into trot or faster, there is chance of hooves cracking (especially on roads which are not flat). If the horse is dragging a cart on hard road, the hooves would not crack, but they would wear out very fast, which is just as, if not worse, since its more difficult and longer to cure.

If the 'road' is actually hardened dirt, that may also damage the horse's hooves (especially if there are many pebbles and such on the road), however if its soft soil, sand, grass, and mud, horses do not need shoes. Any case, I don't think Armagan would go as far as to impliment shoeing for horses, so if there are roads we would just assume horses are all wearing shoes, if not then we can just assume whatever we want. (Although for kicking purposes, it hurts a lot more when the horse has shoes on. Proven on my own ribs lol)
oooo...semi-related tangent: where's the main thread about warhorses and chargers being able to bite and kick independtly in combat?
It's in the STICKIES. Well, one of the threads in the stickies deals with it, might take some searching.

You know how forests reduce movement? Maybe the roads need to give an extra movement point and AI would want to take the quickest, except maybe bandits.
It becomes quite easy to earn my respect when you stop spelling cool like you work for Kraft. And read stickies.
I fail to see how roads actually speed up movement of a person riding a horse. However if they have a cart / wagon and such then it would make perfect sense ::smile:
Volkier said:
I fail to see how roads actually speed up movement of a person riding a horse. However if they have a cart / wagon and such then it would make perfect sense ::smile:
Because you generally don't ride around, but walk with the horse by your side.
Why would the principle be any different for mounted people than for footsloggers (wheeled things being irrelevant, atm)?
First of all, hey. Long time listener, first time caller.
Romans built roads all over their empire for a few simple reasons. First, yes, one travels much quicker on a flat prepared surface, whether a shod or unshod horse, oxen led cart, or leather sandals. The roads (made to shed water through use of a multi-layered building technique that is still the basis for modern highway construction) were the quick way to move legions from place to place, ensuring a prompt response to threats empire wide. Second, having a well constructed road system throughout the empire (from Spain to Turkey, from Germania to Egypt) boosted trade, creating an economy unrivaled in the west. Third, image, image, image- the Romans loved to amaze the hicks with truly revolutionary things, make 'em think you're unbeatable, and most won't even try.
All that aside, I would love to see roads in the game, and carts. A quicker path from town to town would be nice, and a way to make more money trading. It would be a good balance to see, half your guys defending the half driving carts, unable to protect themselves, or you chose to really be a bad boy and get loads of loot from the caravans with carts stacked with stuff.
All in all, if Rome had its hands in the area, it would have roads around, maybe not everywhere, but at least a few.
It becomes quite easy to earn my respect when you stop spelling cool like you work for Kraft. And read stickies.

I am a manager in a Kraft factory :grin:

back to the topic,
as The Plaid Lemur so... elegently put it... roads helped movement of armies (OMG? WARPARTIES?) and helped trade (i have many a bag of salt for the poor people of zendar from the wealthy salt mine) move more quickly, like when you lower your colesteral :lol: (with the blood stream... circulation bah you'll get it once you think about it) oh, and also we will all asume horses were shoe'd since i dont think armagan would make shoe'd/unshoe'd horses and such, and im not sure what extremely helpful perpose it would serve in the game.

just my 2cents :roll:
Nasrudin said:
oooo...semi-related tangent: where's the main thread about warhorses and chargers being able to bite and kick independtly in combat?

hehe, Ive had hundreds of horses bite me. Even when they bite hard they never draw blood unless they are biteing bare skin. And they dont bite if they are scared.
I think the argument for roads speeding up movement should be that roads are usually flat, and are designed to take the quickest route between two points. When you go cross country, it's not all flat fields, you encounter hills, streams, bushes, little ridges and all this stuff you've got to navigate, some of which slows you down quite a bit.
Just to let you know... you can already add roads, though they dont effect movement, and you have to use an existing texture :razz:

That makes the world look so much better. It would be nice if there was a dirt texture on the battlefield, or a way to have a road on the battle, but I would be fine with the roads as they are. They look good. 9even though it is the steppe)
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