Roads! For speed!

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Sergeant Knight
Hey, I love this game. One of the few problems I have with it is how long some of the merchant related missions take. Getting from one city to the other back and then to another and so on and so on. Anyway, I thought a cool way to make that less tedious, would be to make roads that connect various cities. The roads would add a reasonable bonus to overland movement. It would allow for upstanding citizens to do upstanding things without having to trek cross country, while it would also allow not-so-upstanding citizens to do some not-so-upstanding things such as waiting just off the road and creating ambushes and what not.

I don't know how hard it would be to implement such a thing, but I think it would be really helpful logistically.

oh May i may i :smile:

Ingolifs said:
Common suggestion redirection sheet.

This sheet contains commonly suggested features to M&B, and most of the relevant threads that discuss the suggestion.
The threads are (sort of) ranked in order of relevance, and quality of the discussions. Any additions/suggestions to this form are welcome.
First of all, there's the sticky at the top of the page right here.

World map features, roads, ruins, forests, etc: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Thankyou for your cooperation.


its the second link. :smile:
Sorry about that. I'm kind of new to this, and it wasn't on the first page, so I figured I'd suggest it.

Thanks for the link though.

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