Roads (again)

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I found an old thread about roads and I really would like to discuss that topic more.

As it is now caravans are just traveling through wilderness, I don't think they should. They should follow roads between the towns and I think this could open up for a different kind of gameplay, combined with some other ideas.

You should be able to ambush caravan and prisoner transports, and of course should the road be on the "battlefield" as well, not just on the world map.

You should be able to "enter" an area from the worldmap, and wait, hidden beside the road until the caravan arrives.

Think about a mountain pass where you place your crossbowmen hidden up by the rocks.

Another thing I'd like to see is larger battle fields, if it doesnt mean a great impact on performance.

I realize you are relatively new to the forums, but your first sentence requires me to post.

If you found an old thread about your topic, rather than posting your idea in a new thread ... why not post in the old thread and actually add to a suggestion rather than just repeat it?

Sometimes, we don't say anything about starting new threads on old topics because we assume the person used the site's 'search' function and was unable to find anything. Understandable sometimes as this site's search function is somewhat lacking ... yet that first sentence ... :roll:


The last post in the thread that I found was from July 30, and I supposed that "resurrecting" dead threads was considered to be bad forum etiquette, and that's the one and only reason to why I made a new post.
It's pretty funny actually. You post to an old thread and "they" call you a necroposter and if you make a new thread about the same subject "they" blame you for doing so and point you to the old thread. Of course "they" are two different groups.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

IMHO, I would think it to be better to have just one thread per topic, so go necro I say!
roads = good idea.
could get a speed boost on the world map.
goes along with the "bridges" idea.
also, it might be nice to see the border between s & v.
fanboy said:
also, it might be nice to see the border between s & v.

In that case borders between the duchies, thats more interesting IMO, especially if they can be taken by enemy later on in the game developement.
Resurrecting old threads is bad forum etiquette, unless you are actually adding something to the topic.

Posting in an old thread just to 'bump it' is bad, but refreshing an old discussion is much preferable to repeating the same (or pretty close to them) subjects.


regardless of whether its a new post or an old post or bad ediqurtte, i like the idea of having roads in the game. i think i could add some needed life to the map and add some nice events for the game. i.e. ambushes, bandits hiwaymen, etc. etc. but just my opinion again :wink:
Ilex said:
It's pretty funny actually. You post to an old thread and "they" call you a necroposter and if you make a new thread about the same subject "they" blame you for doing so and point you to the old thread. Of course "they" are two different groups.

I belong to both. :razz:
Been suggested before and I say it's not needed at this time. Takes less than 2 game-days to cross the whole world anyway. Not until my little suggestion about increasing the world size by about 30 or so times (at least) is considered, roads won't really have any purpose :sad:
Skyrage said:
Been suggested before and I say it's not needed at this time. Takes less than 2 game-days to cross the whole world anyway. Not until my little suggestion about increasing the world size by about 30 or so times (at least) is considered, roads won't really have any purpose :sad:

Well, my main point is roads on the battle screen, and the posibilities that this opens up. With ambushes and planning attacks on caravans, and this in only possible if you can forsee the way a caravan will take.

And to make my first post more clear; the reason to why I'd like to have larger battle fields is that I'd like to see a "one way" ongoing battle, where the caravan tries to get away. Where you have to hunt them down.

Anyway, if you only get half movement speed if your "off road", it would actually make roads on the map more useful.
We either need roads or an increase in the base rate of travel speed. I shouldn't be able to/have to get up and make a sandwich while I wait for my caravan escort to get from Zendar to Jelkala
Even if you can cross the map in 2 game days, adding roads will definitely add to the strategy in the game, especially if they give you speed bonuses (which they should).

One question about implementing roads:

How would you be able to control when you use a road and when you don't?

Here's an example. If you are in the wilderness between Wercheg and Zendar and you wish to travel to Zendar, how do you:
1. Get to Zendar without using roads (for the anti-social type)
2. Get to Zendar using only roads (anti-wilderness types)
3. Get to Zendar the fastest way possible using both roads and wilderness.
4. Get to Zendar covering the shortest distance regardless of speed or time to destination.

I realize that #4 may not be necessary and perhaps redundant with the other 3, but still, how can the computer anticipate or the player control which of the three ways to get to Zendar?

Also, Let's say you are at Zendar and you want to travel to Khudan. How do you control whether you take the road that goes through Rivacheg (assuming there is no direct road to Khudan), or hop into the wilderness and go the direct route?
Well, you could click a dozen times, but you could have a drop-down menu in the world map. or waypoints.
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