Rivers and Bridges

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Something that hasn't be proposed still.
What about more rivers on the map, and some bridges?
This will produce:

1-Defense of strategial location on the traveling map: there can be some fixed army stacks that can be used for quests or to limit access to "higher level" areas of the map. This can be extended to tight canyons and mountain passes.

2- Bridge battles. If you've played Shogun/Medieval/Rome Total War you know what I'm talking about: large pitched battles on a narrow field, where you should avoid falling from the bridge (= instakill), and even much less men can hold the ground as they can't be circled.

3-Ferries and Ferryboaters, with new merchandise, merchant buy/sell spots, traveling tolls, and River Pirates background/quests.
I agree. there should more rivers around on the map, and bridges linking them. For instance, Zendar river should go all the way to the mountain, and there should be several bridges crossing it. One right by zender, and a couple of bridges and fords further upstream.
I agree, it could be like the batte of Stamford Bridge where one viking berserker held off the entire English army, giving the vikings time to organise a defence. They evntually killed him by floating a boat underneath the bridge and stabbing him from below with a pike.

But instead of instant death if you fell off the bridge, characters with low encumberence or high athletics should be able to swim back to the bank. Swimming in light armour would be possible for an athletic person.
Right on Daimyo, I was just about to post a topic about this...i've been thinkin boout it for a while but now you have done it, yay. Hope this goes ahead as i dont think it would be too hard to make this happen, please correct me if i am wrong.
I think it could be very easy. It's just a specific battlefield map, and with a single straight bridge (variations can come with time) I think it's graphically very easy to draw.
Excelent idea. I'd always though Zendar should be a Bridge Town -making a pass over the river on the World Map at that location- but I'd never thought of having bridges in the battlemap.

I REALLY like that idea. I also like the idea of "deep water" that you can't wade though, but have to swim (if you have the Athletics for it) or have a horse strong enough (speed rating?) to swim you across. :grin:

Bring it on, ye Dark Knights! Did not Bayard, "the Knight without Fear or Fault", hold the Garigliano by himself agains 200 Spaniards? Surely if Le Bon Chevalier did it in real life, I can hold one against a mere 20 in a game. :twisted:
Yea, imagine bridges in the future along with better unit control, that would be interesting to see which opponent would have the guts to cross it and get cutup by the pack waiting on the otherside.
I love the idea! Me likes the idea of owning a greater number of enemy cavalry charging across a bridge with a smaller number of footmen :twisted: It would really open up new tactical possibilities to the game.
Valec SKylien said:
Yeah, then my stuipid troops can call charge into the river and die and drown.

This isn't Rome: Total War. :grin:

I like the idea of adding chokepoints to the map, ones that you can't physically pass without challenging the defending army first. Would lead to some neat "Thermopylae" style engagements.
Of course, with better enemy AI, they'd realize that and refuse to attack a guarded bridge. Unless you started killing them with arrows -then they'd have to level lances and charge for hell and wet leather.

Ideally, I'd like to see enemies smart enough to retreat and draw inexperienced players out across the bridge to chase them, then smack them from the flank with a reserve. :twisted:
oh yes! instakill when falling off a bridge :wink: i can see my army of several dozens of knights going for a dive when trying to cross it ^^

somehow, i don't think this can be implemented as it would add additional power to archers, besides, i don't like battles where you gotta stand still and wait for the enemy to make a mistake.

this game was pure action until now, and this it should remain imho :razz:
Daimyo said:
Something that hasn't be proposed still.
What about more rivers on the map, and some bridges?

I actually think this has been posted about before but I for one don't mind a good subject coming back again anyway (see multiplayer :wink:

Bridge battles would be an excellent addition to the game IMO. History is littered with examples and it would certainly add more depth to the game.

The suggestion to have just one battle map for all the bridges in the game seems like an excellent place to start. I hope Armagan takes this on board and takes steps to implement this (and other scenery/terrain additions).


How about adding a ford to the list of river crossing types. This would mean a deep water river crossing the map with perhaps a couple of places where the water is shallow enough to wade across. This would also provide choke points like the bridge.
I would also like the game to have some bridges. Some parts of rivers could be deeper too (to make some places impossible for heavy units to cross).
Oh yes! Bridges!
Then we will just have to add the bridge physics http://www.bridgebuilder-game.com/
so when there are too many men on it it will brake, wooot!


But yes, i would love some bridges. And then again, i hate it when every battle map near Zendar has a river... ;P
Madras said:
oh yes! instakill when falling off a bridge :wink: i can see my army of several dozens of knights going for a dive when trying to cross it ^^

somehow, i don't think this can be implemented as it would add additional power to archers, besides, i don't like battles where you gotta stand still and wait for the enemy to make a mistake.

this game was pure action until now, and this it should remain imho :razz:

so basically what you're saying is that if two people with a rifle shoot at each other at lets say 100 meters between them it's "action", but if one of them lay down behind a rock and the other goes prone behind a barrel that just happened to be there and continue shooting it's not "action" anymore?

man, open field battles has tactics, so does bridge battles, only different tactics.
action or no action has nothing to do with this :smile:
Yeh some of these ideas are viable, but for now we need a simple bridge to get from zender to tihr!
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