River Pirate Help

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can anyone tell me what is like a upgrade brachet thingy is for the river pirates cus i jsut captured 7 river pirates fro ma veger scout party and i want to know what they upgrade to because i dont really want river pirates unless they eventually turn into dark knights or something :grin:
Long Answer: Maybe. There are two other perfectly valid reasons for having a band of slaver chiefs. The first is if you are roleplaying (which can pretty much be filed under "except for laughs"). The second is if you want to be a slaver. Unless I'm greatly mistaken, the slaver units are the only ones armed exclusively with blunt weapons which means any enemy you go up against and beat will provide you with a large number of slaves. Other units will kill the enemy, but slavers will knock them out for you.

That said, I can't see them being cost-effective. They are too hard to replace regardless of how little they may die.
Slaver chiefs can be useful for capture the noble missions etc. as they deal blunt damage.

Bandits only upgrade to brigands and suck.

In short, only manhunter line is at all worth having.
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