Right to Rule?

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Alright, so, I've been digging around (I've only been playing for 2 days), and I know that if you do the following..

Companion returns from spreading word +3
Make peace +3
Get married +3
Recruit lord +5
Companion returns with letter, recognized as monarch +10

..you will get right to rule. But, since I can't really do any of those except for sending out companions, I've decided to set out on that. But, I don't seem to have the option to send out my companion.. help?  :cry:
I believe you have to go to your minister to send out companions.

And you really should have asked this in the single player subforum.
Vermin said:
I believe you have to go to your minister to send out companions.

And you really should have asked this in the single player subforum.

>//< haha, sorry, i'm new here. And, where do I find this "minister" xD

Lord Brutus said:
Sending out companions to gain right to rule is as simple as talking to them.  You will get the option of asking if they would support you as a King.

I have talked to them but I can't find the option to ask them if they want to support me as king. Our relations are pretty close. One of them is 95 i believe and the other one is 99
Click on "Party".  Click on a companion.  Click on "Talk".  Click on "I'd like to ask you something."  Click on "I suppose you know that I aspire to be king of this land?"  Click on "Would you then support my cause?" 

I can't find the option "I supposed you know that I aspire to be king of this land?" :00

I've taken over Sargoth, too, and have a bunch of honor. :c What am I missing?
Lord Brutus said:
First, ask them how they feel things are going in your company.  If they are not happy, happy, happy, they will not support you for king.  Wait a while.

How do I know they're very happy with me? o3o When I talk to my companions, they tell me "I'm happy about your choice of companions, happy about your style of leadership, and happy about the general state of affairs." There still isn't a choice to send them out :/

Note : Do I need right to rule to make my companions vassals? Currently, I am the leader of the Kingdom of Swadia Rebels, and have no vassals :c
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