Right to Rule

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I looked for this in the feature list and searched to forum, but couldn't find any proper clarification. Is it a new feature that you gain rtr as a mercenary of a faction when they make peace with another faction? As a Sarranid merc I gained rtr when they mde peace with the Khergits. Seems a bit too easy since I wasn't even involved in the war, which starter on like day 4 of my new save.
You gain 3 rtr when your faction makes peace with another faction. It is a feature from the native, and I think it has been there all along.
I actually think this is a newer feature for Warband, mainly due to the fact that Warband is surrounded by the point of -becoming- a king or queen of your own nation. And sooner or later conquering the rest of the map. I do wish there was a counter for it, though, I hate seeing the message and not knowing how high it is.
By "native" I meant native Warband, i.e. w/o Diplomacy.

You can view your right to rule by going to Reports->View caracter report. It is displayed if your RTR is greater than zero.
In diplomacy your Right to Rule is listed under Reports -> Character Report, as if your honor and several other ratings.

^ Nevermind someone beat me to it
I'm aware how RtR works and where to find it etc. I just didn't know a mercenary could gain RtR because the faction he mercs for signs a peace treaty. Seemed odd to me, but I'll take it.
Phoss said:
I'm aware how RtR works and where to find it etc. I just didn't know a mercenary could gain RtR because the faction he mercs for signs a peace treaty. Seemed odd to me, but I'll take it.

I see what you're saying, I only ever gained RtR when other factions did things with my OWN faction.
I also get right to rule when under merc contract.  So far I've only ever been under merc contract to the Rhodoks.

You see, the Rhodoks are so badass and so very much elite, even their most lowly soldier can be considered fit to gain credit to rule over the filthy masses which make up the pethetic upstart rebels of Calradia.  You see, for the entire time I have been contracted to my one and only King Graveth, many rebels have risen against my justful authority, of which they were soon to take wisdom in the real position of their worthless lives and would make peace with my almighty King.

Should you gain right to rule under any faction other than the Rhodoks, then you my friend, are a blaspheme and should be put to work in my glorious Rhodok-ian taverns as a... Uhhm... Table Dancer!
Oook...I'm just gonna assume your name says it all =)

Your badass Rhodoks just tried to take Shiraz, but failed to make it past my War Cleaver. They ran off into the mountains, undoubtedly to seek comfort with some mountain goats.
Phoss said:
Oook...I'm just gonna assume your name says it all =)

Your badass Rhodoks just tried to take Shiraz, but failed to make it past my War Cleaver. They ran off into the mountains, undoubtedly to seek comfort with some mountain goats.

What!? Lies, it must be!  The Glorious Rhodok emp-  Kingdom would never seek to assault such a pitiful cess pit such as Shariz, I fear you have gone delusional you unimportant, filthy worm. =]
Heh, I was just doing some mercenary work for the Sultan. Maybe I'll help the Rhod's take it next time they try =).  I do like their wall of shields and piercing crossbow death.
Phoss said:
Heh, I was just doing some mercenary work for the Sultan. Maybe I'll help the Rhod's take it next time they try =).  I do like their wall of shields and piercing crossbow death.

Maybe.... Maybe you are not as much an inferior blaspheme as much as I had believed, O-Ever-Filthy-Rebel, but still the generosity of the mighty Rhodok Emp- Aherm, Kingdom, knows no bounds and shall grant you pardon should you kneel at our gloriously clean feet, begging for forgiveness and offering yourself to the greater good!
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