Hey guys
I always wondered. How come in M&B the castles are just....stone?
I mean, theres no decoration to them
. No curtains, no carpets, no finely crafted tables or silver or even gold or Fancy chairs
. Because what I mean is for example, The Castles and Towns (And this is mainly really focused and Castles and Towns) in the game are just grey...its dull
. Now I know its in a very early period, in the Medieval era but there could at least be a little bit decoration and colour to it
. For example, Praven, which belongs to King Harlaus, being a King when I first played this I wouldve expected him to be owning a very rich and fine Town but when I went in it was just grey stone and brown wood inside the Castle Courtroom. Does nobody think there should be more...go to the place?
I always wondered. How come in M&B the castles are just....stone?
I mean, theres no decoration to them