Richer Caldradia?

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Hey guys :smile:.

I always wondered. How come in M&B the castles are just....stone?
I mean, theres no decoration to them :sad:. No curtains, no carpets, no finely crafted tables or silver or even gold or Fancy chairs :sad:. Because what I mean is for example, The Castles and Towns (And this is mainly really focused and Castles and Towns) in the game are just grey...its dull :sad:. Now I know its in a very early period, in the Medieval era but there could at least be a little bit decoration and colour to it :sad:. For example, Praven, which belongs to King Harlaus, being a King when I first played this I wouldve expected him to be owning a very rich and fine Town but when I went in it was just grey stone and brown wood inside the Castle Courtroom. Does nobody think there should be more...go to the place?
Or naked dwarfs!!!

But yeah, some decoration would be fine.

I think there are some mods for this, but I have no idea what they are called.
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