Rhodoks wont accept truce

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My Faction has been at war with the rhodoks for over 120 days now and wrecking them, however they wont accept any truces or peace.  Any ideas?
Do you have many of the Rhodock lords as prisoners?
I found the same thing with the Sarranids, I would hold lords until the ransom demands came through and because I needed the money I would release them.
I did find that when I started to refuse ransoms the Sarranids would offer a ceasefire.
Of course if you have the Rhodock king as a prisoner they might not be able to offer a ceasefire.
Hard to know without a little more detail.
JoylessBrute said:
too overextended, need more money, more lords, more troops.

Those were my issues as well.
I only captured lords who I had a negative relation with as I wanted to try and recruit the ones I had positive relations with.
Also the honour hit from refusing a ransom wasnt that bad, especially as it lead to peace and prosperity.

Brute, it sounds like the Rhodocks are still fighting you because they still have their lords to lead their armies.
Try holding on to a couple that you capture and see what happens.
You can always accept the ransom offers for a little extra cash.
I had a similar problem playing as swadian/rhodok vs the Khergit. had about 7-8 Khergit lords in my dungeons, asked for truce, no way. Next day I nicked their boss, the top-noyan, and wallah, next day they asked for a truce. How marvellous. Now I can proceed to stomp the Nords. My Huscarls vs their Huscarls. Fratricide ahoy  :wink:
P.S. At least untill they all desert my party, that is :smile:
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