Rhodoks overpowered

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I've had sufficient time to test the mod and it seems that no matter which faction I decide to play, being at war with the Rhodoks is never something I look forward to.  Battle after battle, siege after siege, I find that not only do my seasoned troops drop like flies from Rhodok train-like hits, but often have a incredibly tough time cutting through Rhodok armor.

I'm not so much concerned about Rhodok spear units -- that is a challenge, not an unfair advantage.  But when Rhodok archers and crossbowmen kill a third of my guys from a distance, then pull out their war hammers and great baradiches to mop up the rest, I know something isn't right.

Archers and crossbowmen are units that generally stay back and inflict as much damage as possible before the enemy closes in.  They are auxiliary units that are cheap to train, lightly armored, and not intended to hold their own.

I like what the authors have done with matching Rhodok armors, giving them a unique visual identity.  I also know that they were very weak in the native game, which is what the ranged and spear units make up for.  But when the average Rhodok ranged unit is has more chain-mail around him than some of my elite melee troops, that signals to me a balance issue.

Does anyone else here share my views?

They are a bit high powered, but if you want to take them on bring a few good archers along with. I find vaegir archers can outpace the crossbowmen's shots. As far as dealing with the spearmen, having a few good knights and some companions armed with super long lances or, even better, elite pikes, and charging from the side down a hill at the right time will tilt the balance a bit.
I agree that Rhodoks are a bit overpowered in this mod.
Compared to Swadia, I had MUCH easier time sieging and battling against Swadian forces than Rhodoks.
Swadians sharpshooter are very weak in melee, while Rhodoks sharpshooter is quite decent in melee. Their (Rhodoks) helmet is also one of the better ones.
I think the mod maker is a bit of a Rhodoks fan :grin:
And having black surcoats overall makes them looks kind of 'evil'.
I see them as the 'Evil Empire' in my game.
The 'Evil Empire' of Calradia should be stronger than the rest, right?
vergol said:
I've had sufficient time to test the mod and it seems that no matter which faction I decide to play, being at war with the Rhodoks is never something I look forward to.  Battle after battle, siege after siege, I find that not only do my seasoned troops drop like flies from Rhodok train-like hits, but often have a incredibly tough time cutting through Rhodok armor.

I'm not so much concerned about Rhodok spear units -- that is a challenge, not an unfair advantage.  But when Rhodok archers and crossbowmen kill a third of my guys from a distance, then pull out their war hammers and great baradiches to mop up the rest, I know something isn't right.

Archers and crossbowmen are units that generally stay back and inflict as much damage as possible before the enemy closes in.  They are auxiliary units that are cheap to train, lightly armored, and not intended to hold their own.

I like what the authors have done with matching Rhodok armors, giving them a unique visual identity.  I also know that they were very weak in the native game, which is what the ranged and spear units make up for.  But when the average Rhodok ranged unit is has more chain-mail around him than some of my elite melee troops, that signals to me a balance issue.

Does anyone else here share my views?


They aren't too bad on a normal battle field (as long as you fight them as cheap as possible) but sieges are just ridiculous.
Or be more like Jazz Jack rabbit, shooting all those turtles to HELL! And when we're at it, we'll also make the superbunny behemoth!
purple! Humungus! The Suberbunny Behemoth!
Offcourse the turtles need some minor changes too... else it won't be fair... so.. Also a superturtle behemoth? :roll:
Rhodoks is the most formidable faction in Native as well. With right formation and contingent they can mop floor with about anyone. (aside from Nords probably). Rhodok Sharpshooter is the most versatile unit with excellent ranged damage decent armor,big shields and very good melee ability.
Slaad said:
Rhodoks is the most formidable faction in Native as well. With right formation and contingent they can mop floor with about anyone. (aside from Nords probably). Rhodok Sharpshooter is the most versatile unit with excellent ranged damage decent armor,big shields and very good melee ability.

Rhodoks are pretty much pansies in native.  Their spearmen are too weak, they lack cavalry, and the AI doesn't use the crossbowmen very effectively.
The way I see it with most armies is their effectiveness in certain formations. Rhodoks Spears and Pikes might seem dangerous when they form their "Phalanx" but I find it horribly easy to defeat most armies when you force them to brake formation and charge in their disorderly manner.

What I usualy do when facing infantry is ride alone, jab at them a few times (perhaps kill a few) and it is almost certain that they will forget about any order they had and charge into your waiting troops. What I do against most armies, especialy the Khegits is order my men to stay in formation throughout the battle, except for the cavalery. Khegits will try smacking through the line, might just punch through it, but if they don't the few closest troops will wound them heavily if not kill them, or in the best case scenario surround the horseman and jab at him untill he is full of holes like a swiss cheese.

The worst thing you can allow the enemy to do is attack en masse. The key to winning most battles is making the enemy split up their attention between you and your cavallery, and your waiting Infantry and Archers... as to sieges I just hope we will get catapults at some point.
Playing as Nord in my current game, honestly I am breaking thru Rhodoks with my infantry and a few archers army, the only real problem are in sieges, their spears can hit on the botton of the ladder its literally impossible to take the castles since the game only give us 2 entrances to a huge castle.
Berserkers and axemen in combination with halberds and a few pikes will break right through them. Vaegir pikes and halberds work pretty well. Also I like to give my companions pikes, halberds and maybe a two handed sword or hammer to help break in, while I try to pick off their archers and crossbowmen with my bow.
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