Rhodoks Hate me, how do i make peace?

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I'm Swadian, and we are at war with the Khergits and Vaegir. But not with the Rhodoks. Still the Rhodoks attack me and plunder my villages, I guess thats because of me raiding their villages and killing their caravans early IG...

But so, how do I make "peace" or get higher relationship with em? Any tips?
I belive you can go do castles/cities and request for meetings and do quests, talk to them see if there is a peace option (note: make sure to talk to them inside castles and towns, otherwise they can just attack you without an option).
Thanks!! Atleast now I will have a chance to raise a village without them raiding it all the time.
As Kazdum said, you have to find a lord inside a castle or city and depending on your relations the price can be steep, I think it's about 500 times your relation.
Another way might be to help their caravans and peasants in a fight but to my knowledge that is not possible when your relation is too bad.
I guess the third option is to conquer the whole Rhodok kingdom but I doubt you are strong enough for that.

P.S. Allies only help if their kingdom is at war with the Rhodoks.
you could join another faction so that the relations resets to zero...
needless to say, i wouldn't recommend it, unless you assualt all the caravans coming out of there and then join a faction to get easy money and reset relations.
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