
Since this freakin' 1.131 patch, the "new" (well they looked different) rhodok sergeants are F***ing pain in the ass to kill on foot.
Even on horse they give me trouble, but when I happen to be on foot, I just can't hit them.
When I'm facing down one in the open field, top of the ladder, anything, I can't hit him.
When I'm positioned higher, or lower, I can't hit him.
When he is attacking someone else and I hit him from the side, OR FREAKING BEHIND, my great long battle axe (you know, the 2h 52c damage monster) is simply DEFLECTED, as if I tried to hit a wall, a friendly or neutral npc.
What the hell?
Their shields can also take like 10 arrows before it cracks, so ranging them out is not an option either.
Not to mention their hammers are so fast I have absolutely no chance if I'm up against two on foot...
WTF taleworlds, I have no freaking chance against a decent rhodok army unless we outnumber them 1 to 3
How do you guys deal with those freaking little speedy green deflecting bastards?
Even on horse they give me trouble, but when I happen to be on foot, I just can't hit them.
When I'm facing down one in the open field, top of the ladder, anything, I can't hit him.
When I'm positioned higher, or lower, I can't hit him.
When he is attacking someone else and I hit him from the side, OR FREAKING BEHIND, my great long battle axe (you know, the 2h 52c damage monster) is simply DEFLECTED, as if I tried to hit a wall, a friendly or neutral npc.
What the hell?
Their shields can also take like 10 arrows before it cracks, so ranging them out is not an option either.
Not to mention their hammers are so fast I have absolutely no chance if I'm up against two on foot...
WTF taleworlds, I have no freaking chance against a decent rhodok army unless we outnumber them 1 to 3
How do you guys deal with those freaking little speedy green deflecting bastards?