Rhodok Sergeants are near invincible

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Since this freakin' 1.131 patch, the "new" (well they looked different) rhodok sergeants are F***ing pain in the ass to kill on foot.
Even on horse they give me trouble, but when I happen to be on foot, I just can't hit them.
When I'm facing down one in the open field, top of the ladder, anything, I can't hit him.
When I'm positioned higher, or lower, I can't hit him.
When he is attacking someone else and I hit him from the side, OR FREAKING BEHIND, my great long battle axe (you know, the 2h 52c damage monster) is simply DEFLECTED, as if I tried to hit a wall, a friendly or neutral npc.

What the hell?
Their shields can also take like 10 arrows before it cracks, so ranging them out is not an option either.

Not to mention their hammers are so fast I have absolutely no chance if I'm up against two on foot...

WTF taleworlds, I have no freaking chance against a decent rhodok army unless we outnumber them 1 to 3

How do you guys deal with those freaking little speedy green deflecting bastards?
            I never thought I'd see someone complaning about Rhodoks being strong at the point of being very hard to kill... you can either use nord infantry or heavy cavalry, I have my doubts on Vaegir but I think they are up to the task.
Whenever I fight Rhodoks in the open field, they are completely crushed by my heavy cavalry, no matter how many sergeants they bring, even if they've got larger overall numbers. On the other hand, the Rhodoks will absolutely tear you to shreds when you have to fight a siege battle with one tiny ladder. I'd say that makes them somewhat balanced.
I always had trouble with them even before 1.131. Battles with Rhodoks in rough, forested hills always ended up with two or three enemy Sergeants mobbed by my guys and taking forever to go down, killing my men one by one until I had to take them out myself.

Oh, and to address the OP, it's possible your weapon is just too long, so that when you strike you're too close and it's bouncing off. Pack a small weapon like a short sword or pick (I'm fond of balanced butcher knives, they're damn fast and a bit longer than a dagger), switch to it and shank the guy a bunch of times at close range. Stab instead of slash to get through their armor, and that should sort him out.
[quote author=TheWatcher]WTF taleworlds...[/quote]

WTF, Mr. unknown?! :evil:  Rhodoks are great now, don't be jealous to it!

Rhodok Vet Crossbowmen still have these +10 Leather Caps, and Vet Spearmen have Spiked Staff with only 24 blunt damage.¹

...so don't tell me it's Rhodoks so much powerful. Look at the freakin' Swadian Sergeant with Power Strike on 6 (higher than Rhodok Sergeant has), Morningstar and +58 defence on body.

¹It's the only "unpolished" things about Rhodoks. Why these Leather Caps can't be finally taken away...


That was a waste of my time. :roll:
Use any cavalry (except maybe Kerghit I don't know about them :razz:) and you'll pretty much butcher 'em, or use Nord infantry.
any Heavy Cavalry ( Marmalukes, Knights , Lancers ) will crush any amount of Rhodoks in open field. Just avoid steep hills etc

what u will find is castle sieges is toughest against massed Sergeants and Sharpshooters. The Rhodok Sharpshooters are without doubt the strongest castle defenders easily headshotting and mowing down plenty of your troops unless u do something about it.
Hughes said:
I always had trouble with them even before 1.131. Battles with Rhodoks in rough, forested hills always ended up with two or three enemy Sergeants mobbed by my guys and taking forever to go down, killing my men one by one until I had to take them out myself.

You can pick your terrain to a degree. If the terrain is especially bad, like say the Rhodoks can conveniently park themselves on a very tall mountain, then just retreat before any units start to fight and you won't take casualties. When you attack again, a different map will load, and it might put the Rhodoks on flatter terrain. That's how I was able to beat Rhodoks with cavalry near Yalen, which has terrain that is horrendously steep.

Anyway, I haven't found Rhodok Sergeants to be as significant a threat since they no longer seem to use their glaives, making the polearms deadweight. Though my view of them might be skewed since it was always green-clad corpses under the hooves of my knights, heh.
[quote author=Bulzeeb]Anyway, I haven't found Rhodok Sergeants to be as significant a threat since they no longer seem to use their glaives...[/quote]

No one to take away our Glaives! Never! :evil:  ...No, seriously, they still wear 'em on their backs.


157-reach chop is our main goal against these heavy knights.
That's the problem - they wear their glaives on their back but never use them, at least not with anywhere near the frequency of what they used to. So now their glaives just add weight.

I guess they might use them against cavalry, but as mentioned before, I've fought them using exclusively cavalry, and I still have seen no gliaves out on the field  :???:
Well the problem IS the siege map battles. I can deal with them in open field, even if I take heavy casualties if there are many hills and/or trees.

I have level 9 power draw and 465 archery, the strongest bow and arrows, and rhodok (and for the record, swadians too) sharpshooters sometimes still survive a hit on the torso... probably with 1-2-3 hp but I still need to fire again, which takes precious time... but that's no problem, I mean at least they are not DEFLECTING my arrows.
Maybe I will try to venture to the nordic villages and hope for some good huscarl seeds, thanks...
I did feel once or twice when I accidentally picked up a shorter weapon, it can be more useful at the ladder chokepoint, but those hammers hit HARD and fast and there are like 3 or 4 hitting me simultaneously, and I'm not even counting the appear-out-of-nowhere sharpshooters.

Like those crossbow loving freaks don't give me enough problems when they bend over dodging my axe!

Ps: Ibdeles castle is a *****
Huscarls won't help you much, be sure. RH Sergeants have +51 defence on head. ... Rhodoks hater!

By the way, Durrin and Sharwa are the *****es.
you could recruit your own rhodoks to handle them, just make sure u got enough varied food and leadership to handle the morale loss

Swadian knights are still the only unit in the game worth having

and they arent that tough. at 16 strength and 5 power strike (im not sure if thats high, my guys is like level 17 i think) i can kill them in 2 hits with my balanced arming sword on foot, or 1-2 shot in the head with a siege crossbow

but if you ride a horse, and have like 20 Swadian knights, then TBH you could ride down a couple hundred Rhodoks.
Fight fire with fire, fight infantry with infantry, fight great ironflesh with greater ironflesh, I think you can guess fight rhodok sergents with .......... NORD HUSCARLS! they have 8 ironflesh and 8 powerstrike, so sergents are no match at all. Also put nord archers far away from crossbow range so they can easily kill those pesky crossbowmen from disntance.
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