Resolved RGL ERROR: Unable to reimport texture : Package is protected. Protected items can not be modified.

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Yes, but I removed mods.
Summary: Trying to launch the game while I have the modding kit installed and it crashes with the above error
How to Reproduce: Not sure
Have you used cheats and if so which: Nope
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
OS: Win 11
GPU: RTX 3080
GPU Driver Version: Latest
CPU: Core i7
RAM: 128gb
Motherboard: Unknown
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD
Hey, do you experience the issue on a new campaign after manually removing all the mod files and verifying the integrity of the game files? If the issue is persistent, please share your Crash ID with me so we can further inspect the issue.
The issue happens on the inital load of the application right after pressing play on the launcher. I have reinstalled everything and the issue still happens. The crash doesn't trigger the crash uploader and no error log can be found. I really have no idea on how to fix this issue
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