Rewarding Fiefs and Exploiting Proposal for Influence balancing v 1.0.7

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I am the ruler of my kingdom and have 3 fiefs. Every other clan spends tons of influence trying to grab a fief and I never come up as an option for getting a fief. To solve this, I started trying to propose reassignment of fiefs. I still never come up and all of my clans spend every ounce of influence voting for themselves. I realized that no matter how much I propose, I never gain negative relations and everyone keeps bleeding influence. Part of this is intentional on my part to make sure some of the bigger clans lose power but I believe that the kingdom tab is one of the most unfinished parts of the game and really needs more attention.

Loving the game regardless and conquering old Caladria.

P.S. It would be cool if I could actually use the War and Peace option in the kingdom tab and that my kingdom would stop randomly declaring war.
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