Me and WanWan have tried this last week but not more than 16 people showed up. So I will give it another try this monday and ask everyone that reads this to join us at 7PM BST/GMT on 22nd_Musket_Server which will have a password thats going to be given on our teamspeak channel(ts.22nd.eu 9987).
The old thread:
For the people that have participated in Waterloo, you can use your own regiments but the commander that is going to be picked from a volunteer out of this thread or teamspeak will tell you where to go and decide what you do. Regiment channels will NOT be used.
EDIT: commanders need a microphone!
ANOTHER EDIT: do not think you have to sign up(only wannabe commanders have to), just show up at the event!
LAST EDIT: No wololo wololo wololo spam at the event please.
Me and WanWan have tried this last week but not more than 16 people showed up. So I will give it another try this monday and ask everyone that reads this to join us at 7PM BST/GMT on 22nd_Musket_Server which will have a password thats going to be given on our teamspeak channel(ts.22nd.eu 9987).
The old thread:
For the people that have participated in Waterloo, you can use your own regiments but the commander that is going to be picked from a volunteer out of this thread or teamspeak will tell you where to go and decide what you do. Regiment channels will NOT be used.
EDIT: commanders need a microphone!
ANOTHER EDIT: do not think you have to sign up(only wannabe commanders have to), just show up at the event!
LAST EDIT: No wololo wololo wololo spam at the event please.