Reverting Particle Systems

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So I've been playing with a mod recently, and the mod maker created a really nice particle system. However it seems to be too demanding on my computer, and ultimately causes slowdown in battles making them not as fun to fight. I want to change them to the vanilla particles. Do I need the module system files in order to change it? Or can I just copy some text files over? If I need the Module System files for that mod, then I guess I'm SoL.

I should add it's for a WFaS mod.

Any help is appreciated.
Because particle systems are stand-alone (that is, they don't refer to other in-game objects) you are very likely able to drag and drop a copy from WFaS. Note however that if the mod author created new particles instead of replacing the ones in the base game, you will need to merge the two by noting the names of the particles and where they are likely to go manually.
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