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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Am I the only one who isn't quite happy with the way retreating from battle currently works?

I think there should be a 'retreat' command in addition to the current ones, which would cause your troops to simply turn tail and try to run off the field, and the ones that make it, wouldn't be killed by the random casualty generator that we have now. This way it would be possible for the player to try and keep the enemy busy long enough for his troops to escape, just like any sufficiently heroic commander would do.
I agree. I for one am sick of sending in certain troops into battles so that the other important ones remain safe... only for me to get knocked out and then find that my better troops have got butchered despite not being involved in the conflict in the first place.
I don´t retreat much, i usually just forget that option and "die". But i totally agree with you! I love this game so much, but many of the random missions, casualties etc. are funky.
mostly if im gonna loose i just run for it and leave my troops to distract the enamy while I run for it, so most of the time my peasants die against dark hunters while im running :razz:

but still it sounds like a good idea


Killer rat
I would like a combination of 'random casualty generator' and 'ability to get away scott-free.'

Call it the difference between Retreat and Orderly Retreat. A retreat works as normal and can be performed at any time. An orderly retreat can only be performed if either:

A) The number of your troops equals or exceeds the number of troops on the opposing side or

B) Your map-speed is greater than the map-speed of your enemy.

Orderly retreat, though having strict circumstances for use, would allow you to leave a battle without losing troops.
A historical note: the vast majority of medieval kills were on routing units. If you look at kill ratios of relatively equally equipped and skilled armies, the losing side loses far more men than the winning (and i mean on the order of 5-1). So, quite clearly, retreating soldiers, having lost all cohesion, are relatively easy to cut down and kill. Or would, or knock out, or whatever. It might make sense for the men that aren't even on the field to not be susceptible to casualties, but then, i treat the M&B battlefield as the location where two scouting parties of the larger group happened to meet. So, without your tactical brilliance, your other men are caught, surrounded, and butchered. HOWEVER, the current system does not allow guerilla tactics. Horse archers should be able to retreat uninjured.

If battlefield morale is ever implemented, then a rout would cause far more casualties than ordering a retreat. Right now, there is little reason to retreat, as your men take as many losses as if you were unconscious, and unless you are already badly wounded, you will be conscious in time to fight again.
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