SP - Battles & Sieges Retreat and Player Defeat

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I would like to suggest a more engaging gameplay for dealing with Players being outmatched and loosing.

Corollary: "Loosing should be punishing, but interesting"

This means that players should be incentivised to win but discourage from avoiding loosing at all costs.
However, loosing a battle in Bannerlord feels awful! To the point where I don't see anyone willing to do battles they are not very confident they will win.

So here are a few suggestions:

1. It all starts with forcing the player to commit.
Retreating in this game is cheap to do and it feels cheap to do it. Retreating should be done in order to avoid a worse loss, however its current implementation can easily be used to guarantee and even better win!

We have a retreat command.
In my opinion, any troop that does not retreat to the edge of the map through that command is lost as a potential prisoner to the other army whenever the player itself retreats (who in my opinion should also be forced to go to the edge of the map, but I understand we want to avoid those buggy cases where things get "stuck").

HOWEVER, a more punishing retreat has the consequence of making the player even more incentivised to only fight battles in which it has overwhelming odds of success, which is pretty boring and contributes to the feeling of grinding the game has.

2. Making loosing interesting.
Right now it is a great pain to loose all your troops and be captured. It doesn't lead to any interesting gameplay.

As a player, I want being captured to open a new avenue of gameplay.
I want to try to scape while my capturers march!
  • Mission starts with Player and a few troops fighting a few guards while the bulk of capturer forces are camping in the map. Goal is to defeat the guards, grab some horses and get the hell out of dodge
I want to fail to scape (or not try) and be put on a dungeon!
  • I can try my own solo prison break
  • Someone ELSE (companion/family or lord with high relations) could try to do a prison break FOR me
  • I can request audience with capturer clan and sweet talk my way out and organize a ransom

3. I can't dread loosing
Even if we make loosing open new gameplay, it is too much of a set back because you loose all your troops and the companions are scattered to the wind.

However, it is unlikely that an entire party is captured as prisons on defeat (realistically speaking). I would love for some of the player's troop to find their way back to him or her in due time, after they are released.

It would be great immersion to see your companions leading those troops back to you, for example.

This would alleviate the main determent we have from trying bold wins. If if a loose completely, I know I have a shot, after I am released, that some of my (specially high tier) will find their way back to me.

What I DON'T want is to spend time engaging interesting capture mechanics and then have to build my forces from scratch again.

Thank you.
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