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*grins* Talking about Fallout similarity, huh? :smile: I'd say better add:
Rest untill main char is healed.
Rest untill entire part is healed.
Btw, is it a bug, or it's supposed to be like this... that 'wound treatment' do not influence healing speed of hired soldiers? I understand that it may be added for balance reasons... but it's rather minor, so I fear it must be a bug.
PLAY IT. Trust me, it's an awesome game, and it reminds me a lot of this one. If you can find a copy, it'll cost you around 10-20 bucks.
as far as I know you can heal while not moving. Just stay in one place and hit space bar hehe.

I like how theres not lots of ways to "speed up" time and make days go by in seconds. I like it how it is. Infact it is better this way because you heal as your running away from those god damned kergit raiders who gank you!
actually you can heal while travelling too... if your party has the right skills (first aid) etc etc... you heal on routes.

works well
I'd like to.. (fourth?) this idea for the "rest until healed" option. I was just going to make a topic on it when I noticed this one.
as long as you can be ambushed while your resting and time goes by as normal... I guess thats fine.

I mean I dunno about you but im not gonna stand in the middle of the world resting while kergit raiders are about.
I think the suggestion is a "Rest Until Healed" option while in the tavern, instead of continuously going through the resting process until you're healed (could take 2 or 3 times).
In Morrowind's defense, it wasn't pointless, and there was a primary quest. If you do all of the missions for the Blades you will see. It's fairly intense, although when I got around to doing it my character was too powerful for it to be much of a challenge, sadly. But it was certainly useful for all the greater soul gems with which to make perm. effect magic items. Woo for breaking that game.
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