rest? what kind of warrior needs rest after hours of battle?

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i'm sure this sounds stupid, but i must ask...
i just started playing, and noticed that after ten minutes people were already abandoning me. i had food, money, and a small number of troops, and i had started at high morale. i checked the moral report and it had a stat for lack of rest. how do i aquire this rest stat, so that my men aren't at 2 moral my entire game?
A couple of days, try and practice the working for two days straight, resting the third. Or heck just camping every night...
Yeah it's a bit un-realistic.. i mean 9-5 is not a long day, 4 til 10 is :smile: lol. But ive worked in industries where you operate up to 16 hours a day, and it's hard hard physical work, no day's off for months on end. You just get used to it.
For those of us who are used to normal Mount and Blade, playing around the clock in the game, this is something hard for us all to adjust to. I have found the easiet way around it if you dont wanna sit and wait, cause i can never keep up with the world news that flashes around is to rotate your troops either in a garrison or in the salt mines. that way your always leading "fresh" troops out to battle.

But i think it needs to be an option to turn off... Or is it part of the realism?
I would ike it better if the NPC rested too... cause when i am following the marshal for a extended period of time my moral goes down for lack of rest. maybe if someone is following you you and him share a camp, like 10 lords are following the marshal and the marsha sets up camp, all the lords go in and use the same camp... :mrgreen:
It's bloody confusing, I seem to be spending most my time in a damn town, not to mentiont he AI doesn't seem to have this problem giving them an advantage so massive it's a joke, camping in the middle of the map with enemy armies running around 24/7 needing rest? I think bloody not.

Further sleeping doesn't seem to get it above below average to me, and it drops down so fast it becomes a ****ing race to find *any* battle.

You've had a lot of good ideas for this mod, but some of them really need more testing (and an off button), this isn't realistic, this is pampering troops, the goal may be realism but balancing game features (especially like these) is very difficult and at the moment, it's not even close to being well balanced.

I love your mod but with every single release, you fix one thing and add two damn game breakers :razz:
Dunno about you guys but when i camp out in the field my morale barely changed takes maybe 3-4 days to go wat takes an hour in a town, obviously thats because your troops prefer towns to open fields but i thought i would just throw it out there so everyone was aware :smile:

It should be a On / Off button :wink:

btw does anyone know exactly whats part of the "realism" mod which you can turn on and off, is it just the wound system?
Several things:
1. Combat is not hard physical labor.  While combat includes hard physical labor, it also involves the deliberate infliction of trauma and behaviors that otherwise disrupt organized human activity.  Also, during combat unpleasant persons act to inflict trauma upon you and your friends and act to disrupt your activity.  While moving recalcitrant cattle is difficult and exhausting, as a rule cattle do not plan to rape your sister and burn your village if they break free of confinement.  The exertion in combat is greater than in hard physical labor because the stakes are so much higher.

2. Organized forces move more quickly, consume less profligately, and fight more effectively than mobs. Re-organizing troops after combat is important to ensure organized effort in following actions.  While it would be reasonable and accurate to establish that better trained troops take less time to re-organize, I am uncertain how that mechanic would be implemented in this mod.

3. Fatigue is fear.  S.L.A. Marshall in his landmark studies "A Soldier's Load" and "The Mobility of a Nation" definitively proved that fear itself exhausts humans and that exhaustion causes fear.  This deeply vicious cycle resulted in a number of tragedies in WWII, including soldiers drowning in 15 centimeters of water on Normandy beaches because they were carrying 40 kilo packs for hours while waiting to land, and they simply could not move the handful of meters to get to dry land. 

4. Fear is stupidity.  Exhausted troops fixate on the simplest, nearest tasks and ignore peripheral threats.  This is why real generals maintain reserves.  This is also why spent cavalry are easy pickings for any fresh force that encounters them. 

While it is arguably true that legendary warriors do not need time to recover after hours of battle; historically, organized groups of soldiers need rest on a regular basis to act effectively. 

Two books that look at this question from the perspective of outstanding warriors are "House to House" by David Bellavia and "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Luttrell.  Two movies that deal with this question, and other military issues in battle, are "Blackhawk Down" and "We Were Soldiers...". 
Um Mcgee,

Its a War game. Do you think in a war game you should be stopping so often because reality they did?

If you wanna base it on Reality like that, then you wouldnt be having that many battles, not that many recruits in a matter of days..
McDoogle said:
Um Mcgee,

Its a War game. Do you think in a war game you should be stopping so often because reality they did?

If you wanna base it on Reality like that, then you wouldnt be having that many battles, not that many recruits in a matter of days..

While it is easy to get obsessive on authentic swords and armor, it is more useful as an intellectual exercise to plan attacks so that the post-battle consolidation doesn't catch you unprepared.  In some ways this is funny because about 150 years ago an Austrian staff officer asked some Prussian staff officers what was the point of Kreigspeile if nobody was wagering.  Ten years later the Prussian General Staff showed in explicit detail exactly what the point of realistic war games without wagers was by marching their troops all over the top of the Austro-Hungarian defenses. 

This is a detail focused mod that is pretty serious about realism in re-enactment.  It's something that gives the people who create this mod joy.  While I can see some point to allowing players to toggle the rest level on, off, or graduated, somebody derives joy from the authenticity of rest after battle. 

I can see a number of ways to make the rest factor authentically manipulatable; leadership skill, troop discipline by type, troop discipline by skill level, equipment choices, better supply, a functional support staff, and a "running for our lives" mode that would cost long-term morale and attrition, for example. I don't know how much joy this particular feature creep will bring the mod developers.  I do know that I feel a bit of a fraud engaging in huge battles without stopping afterward. 
After some further playing of this mod, I have to agree with the original poster, the rest feature is a serious game breaker in my eyes. There's just to many disadvantages it brings, and no benefits, and the fact the AI does not have to worry about this makes this a serious game-play flaw. I think you already get enough morale penalties as it is, and this does not need to be one of them. Speaking of which, is there anyway to actually find the txt file that has this feature, so it can just be deleted? As some will disagree and that's fine, but I really can't play the mod with this feature still active which is a shame because some of the other features introduced in this mod are really interesting.
mp84 said:
After some further playing of this mod, I have to agree with the original poster, the rest feature is a serious game breaker in my eyes. There's just to many disadvantages it brings, and no benefits, and the fact the AI does not have to worry about this makes this a serious game-play flaw. I think you already get enough morale penalties as it is, and this does not need to be one of them. Speaking of which, is there anyway to actually find the txt file that has this feature, so it can just be deleted? As some will disagree and that's fine, but I really can't play the mod with this feature still active which is a shame because some of the other features introduced in this mod are really interesting.

Actually, It shouldnt be a problem, are you travel two weeks and dont rest? Really, rest penalty will be problem if you are travel 4 or 5 weeks and dont rest.
Idibil said:
Actually, It shouldnt be a problem, are you travel two weeks and dont rest? Really, rest penalty will be problem if you are travel 4 or 5 weeks and dont rest.

Ohh believe me, I hear what you're saying. In fact, I usually rest once it becomes Evening-Midnight, but it just totally detracts from the game-play at the moment and most importantly the AI is not boggled by this issue, so I could end getting attacked while camping (And defending a camp, without the formation features suck, lol), which is just silly in my eyes. Also, the recovery of this is absurd, I mean to get rid of a -3 or -4 penalty it seems I have to rest for almost a full day if not more. To me, as a player, I already got enough to worry about with the higher troop cost and also other morale losses by party size and all, so with this feature implemented as is, and no way to disable it, makes it unplayable at the moment for me.

Honestly, I understand the concept behind it, and it's nice trying to being realistic and all, but there just some things that don't fit into the overall design of the source game which this mod is based upon and in my eyes this is one them, so I'm not saying get rid of it because I'm sure some people love that feature, just give us the option to disable it, that's all :smile:
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