Reselling games

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Hey guys,

Not really "Other games", but I was just wonder what the best way to sell off old games is.

I have a stack of games that I know I will never touch again, and I want to get rid of them and make some money back, oh and get back the space they've been taking up. Any ideas?

I currently live in the UK if that helps.

edit: **** wrong board.

Can someone move this to either Other Games or Off-Topic?
You can get a better price on PlayTrade though, you only get pennies for trading games in now.
Gamestop = GAME = Gamestation

Use them as mini frisbees to throw at children.
**** I don't know, gamestation is owned by game and they are all the same anyway.

I work at GAME, you will get very little money for anything that was released more than a few months ago.
Yeah, I've opened up a PlayTrade listing. :lol:

If anyone's interested:

Frontlines - Fuel of War
Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War - Dark Crusade
Company of Heroes
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel

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