[Research] Lucanians/Bruttians

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So we are increasingly interested in making the Lucanian and Bruttian tribes to fill the gap between the Samnites and the Greek colonies of southern Italy (Megale Hellas/Magna Graecia). Originally they were an united tribe which by the mid fourth century started to part ways but for convenience I might include the later as mercenaries only and keep the Lucanians as a "main" faction. They will be holding one of the most important cities of Italy of that period, Poseidonia which was later renamed to Paestum by the Romans:
Which features impressive temples and a blend of Italic and Greek influences after its capture by the Lucanians, as shown by the museum of the city:

As always we have some preliminary research done just to make sure if it is a worthy addition to the mod and so far we do think so. We're also interested in knowing if you folks have some additional information or references which could help us in any way. Discuss !
a little of history  :grin::

      BRUZÎ (Bruttii, Brittii, Bruttates, Βρέττιοι, Βρέντιοι, Βρύττιοι) descended from central Italy and settled in the area of ​​Sila subjugating indigenous peoples (Enotri? Sicilians?).The fact that this movement coincides with the invasion of Lucanians (first half of the century. IV) suggests that the Bruzi were related to Lucani, as the rest of onomastics confirmed. In all likelihood the Brutti had to be a fraction of Lucani rejected and pushed towards the south-west.
The key step is to Diodorus (XVI, 15): "in Italy a multitude of men gathered  from all over in Lucania, mostly escaped slaves. They at first gave themselves to banditry and raids and then they were soon well trained to the works of war; by that, prevailing on the natives, they had a significant increase and firstly destroyed Terina, then Ipponio and Turi and many other cities. the state they created took the name of Brettioi for being largely slaves; since the escaped slaves in the dialect of the natives were said Brettioi "(cf.. XII, 22 and Strab., VI, 255). This happened in 356 BC.

    In the second half of the IV century Alexander of Epirus took Consentia and Terina from them, but he fell to Pandosia in 331; Agathocles of Syracuse won Ipponio (300 BC.)  :cool:, But at the end Bruzi remained independent, since, in lack of covenants, they killed all the Syracusans left in garrison to the city and recovered the hostages they delivered.

    The III sec. is the century of the greater power of Bruzi; they formed an independent confederacy from the northern border between Lao and Turi till perhaps to Aspromonte mountain; furthermore they had their own coinage (Garrucci, II, 183); and spoke Osco and Greek, as well as  Ennio calls them "bilingues Bruttates".Besides the capital Consentia, Livy (XXX, 19) enumerates Aufugum, Bergae, Besidiae, Ocriculum, Lymphaeum, Argentanum, Clampetia and other minor nations.
    Also in this era they tear from the Greeks  Tempsa and Petelia. Instead Scylacion, Caulonia, Locri, Regium remained to the Greeks. Their tendency to remain on the mountain and avoid the coast has been confirmed by recent excavations of Tiriolo (News of the Excavations, 1927, p. 336).

The Romans had contact with Bruzi only during the Pyrrhic war; in Rome they celebrated a Triumph de Lucaneis Brutticis Samnitibus; and at the end of the war Bruzi lose half of Sila which was declared public domain (Dion. Hal., XX, 15).

    In the second Punic War the Bruzi formed an alliance with Hannibal who long stood in their territory (to the Hannibalis Castra, near the modern Marina di Catanzaro); after his death, the Bruzi were not allowed to enter the army, or to be considered as socii, but the rulers of the province only used them in place of servants. Those of them who were in this service were called Bruttiani (Festo, Ep., 31-12; Gellius, X, 3, 16 et seq .; Appiano, Hann., 61).

  So it ends the story of indipendent Bruzi. Colonies of Roman citizens are sent to Tempsa, Crotone, Ipponio (194-190 BC.).
In 132 b.C.  Popilius ends the great road-Reggio Capua. In 71 b.C. there is mention of Spartacus defending the territory of Sila (Plutarch, Crassus, 10).

Bibl.: Corp. Inscr. Lat., X, p. 1 segg.; Th. Mommsen, Röm. Staatsrecht, III, Lipsia 1887; J. Marquardt, Röm. Staatsverwaltung, I, 2ª ed., Lipsia 1881, p. 222 segg.; H. Nissen, Italische Landeskunde, I, Berlino 1883, pp. 244, 535; E. Pais, Storia della Sicilia e della Magna Grecia, I, Torino 1896, cap. i e ii; G. De Sanctis, Storia dei Romani, III, ii, Torino 1916, pp. 251, 273; art. Bruttii, in De Ruggiero, Dizionario epigrafico; Hülsen, in Pauly-Wissowa, Real-Encycl. d. class. Altertumswiss., III, col. 911 segg.; J. Beloch, Römische Geschichte, Berlino 1926, p. 593 segg., il quale interpreta come un mito etimologico lo stato di servitù ascritto ai Bruzî.




well some info what i got
an page from book
helmets and full scale breastplates
mostly square breastplates are asociaciated with the lucanians while triple disc cuiras with the samnites

and some wall painting i accidentaly found one day
Not sure how useful this may prove but its a fairly interesting piece.

Source: http://anicius.deviantart.com/art/Pre-Roman-Italy-Ethno-Cultural-Map-493121985

On a side note do you guys plan on adding any other faction to Italy, specifically on the eastern coast?
Current plan is to have the Lucanians, Apulians, Messapians, Picenes and Umbrians added to the Osco-Umbrian faction roster or at least it's what we're aiming for in the next major update, after that I do not know if we'll add more as I think those are the most relevant in our timeframe.
Panaiotis Kruklidis. Warrior (hunter) from the South Italian Brutti tribe, IV century BC

Panaiotis Kruklidis. A warrior from the southern Italian Brutti tribe and details of his equipment, 4th century BC
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